Monday, June 10, 2013

Yup the BIG 3-0

First of, I haven't done this in a VERY long time...but we will get back to that...

So this past Saturday, it was my Birthday....and one of those BIG Birthdays! Yup I turned 30! Wow! I guess it came faster than what I expected! So the big moment that I realized I was 30 years old came when we were all on the Air Bumper cars. Yup we were having fun...while Nsync was blasting in the background...yup, I'm 30! So I'm now 30, married and have 2 kids...and I wouldn't change a thing about it! Sure I'm not a home owner (yet) or the CEO of a company (yet) but I still wouldn't change anything. I don't feel old or anything like that...I guess I have my kids to keep me young. Duh, we never leave a store without going down at least one toy aisle.

So I guess that leads me to the topic of this blog...well the second topic of it I guess. Do I really need to blog? At first I had wanted to start one to keep memories alive....and maybe for our kids to be able to look back and read it. Now, I'm so super focused on our kids, I don't have time. So I've come to realize that the ones that blog are...the ones that don't have kids, have kids that are old enough to take care of themselves at least 60% of the time or the SuperMom that takes care of her kids and a full time worker. I'm not any of those. I work and have 2 kids that need their mommy! Well...I guess I could say that my oldest can take care of himself about 20% on his own. Truth memories are made in other ways. I don't have time to sit an blog about things.
The 15 to 30 minutes it takes me to blog, I could have extra play time with our son. I could baby talk with our daughter a little more. Thing is....its not only the blog that takes up time...just things in general. Sometimes Jesse's toys are left all over the living room floor until the next morning. Yes I should pick them up...but why? He's going to play with them the next day...he knows exactly where he left his toys.

My family spends time going on trips to Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm, Discovery Center, the Park and the Beach. Now some have questioned my parenting skills as a mother. Some would say that our kids are spoiled for what we do for them. I say, our children deserve everything. Our children were not asked to be brought into this world so why should they deserve anything less. My husband and I work very hard for what we have and what we can give our children. People may see it that we have 'the money' to spend or brag about stuff that we do with our children. Truth is...everything is possible if you find ways. We take Jesse and Jalaya to fun FREE activities that we find out about in the local paper or different social networks. If your not looking, then your not trying...and if your not trying then your kids are suffering.

Just realized that this blog is kinda all over the place...but just go with it!

So on Saturday...for my birthday older lady...very older lady decided to inform me that our daughter was crying. Now, she's very lucky that my parents raised me to respect elderly people if not her face would have been messed up really quick! Thing is...I was trying to move our daughter away from under the air vent that had the AC on full blast! I swear Jalaya didn't cry for more than 5 seconds! Aparently that's all it took for the lady to turn around as I was moving Jalaya. She looked up at me and said 'Your baby is crying'. Totally being caught off guard....I smiled and said 'Yes, I know'. Yup that shut up her really quick and she turned back around. First of all...yes, inform me if our child is crying and I'm not paying attention. Second, did you not see her in my arms when she started to cry? Third, have you never heard a child cry before...considering that she's only 3 months old and had a very long day? I wasn't mean to the lady or anything like that...and Jalaya stopped crying before I even stopped moving her. Yup she pissed me off...and I couldn't wait for her to leave....and FYI Jalaya did not make another sound after that! She slept through the whole dinner...which I've very surprised....I guess that was her birthday gift to her Mama!

So will there be anymore blogging after one will ever know....I do plan to keep it...don't have any plans to delete it....but unsure if there will be anymore postings...maybe in about 5 years or so when our two babies are a little bit older....and if there aren't anymore by then! :) If any of you are wondering right now about how I found time to even blog this much....Our daughter is asleep in the swing and my husband has just put our son to bed.

So off-topic with this blog...Let's just change the topic to......
The Rant!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Second time...the right time!

So when we found out that I was pregnant with my first child...I did write a blog about it. Now after having my first child...I have come to realize that blogging is on the back burner! Then again, since I did write about the first pregnancy...Its only fair to write about the second.

So going back to the first pregnancy, it did take us about 13 to 14 months to conceive. On average...if you're not pregnant by 12 months, its time to see a doctor. We didn't. Honestly, I don't know why we didn't...we just didn't think we had to I guess. I know that I did bring it to Oscar's attention...but we didn't really go into depth about it. We just figured it would happen when we were both ready...when God thought we were ready.

So there was always talk about a second child...just didn't exactly set a 'time' of when it would happen. Jesse was about 18 months when Oscar said it was time for the second. About time I started to take him serious...2 months later I found out I was pregnant. This time, it only took 2 months to conceive! I wasn't expecting it! I thought that since it took us time with our first...that our second would have taken the same amount of time.

The weird thing is...about a couple of nights before we found out, Oscar and I were talking about Jesse. We were talking about how we STILL couldn't believe that we had a child. We talked about how we were able to see him grow and how its been fun being the Three Amigos!

As I was talking to co-workers about showing no signs of an AF...they all said to give it at least give it a week before testing. Thing is...there were no signs of an AF...yet no signs of a pregnancy! I had told Oscar the same thing on the day I was supposed to expect AF. He wanted me to test that same day! So I did...with an expired pregnancy test! Didn't see two lines...only seen one! Well, at least I only wanted to believe that there was just one. After I took a shower that night, I looked at the test again. I swear there was a VERY faint second line! When I showed the test to Oscar for a second time...he said the same thing. Since it was still very early and the line wasn't as dark as it should have been, we didn't think about it anymore. On my way home on Friday, I thought about stopping at Kaiser to take a test. When I had tested for my first pregnancy, I knew it would be positive so it wasn't a surprise. With this one, I didn't know exactly what the out come of the test would be. So I did what any woman would do...I went out and bought a test...two test...from the Dollar Tree store LoL! Seriously, they work! Without telling Oscar I was going to test...I went into the bathroom! Within seconds of taking the test, I started yelling for Oscar...asking him if he thought the second line was dark enough for him! We started running around the apartment trying to get ready to run off to Kaiser to confirm everything. Since it was so late in the day already, we were told that we would get the results the next day. Thanks to email...we found out around 10 p.m. that night!

When we had announced our pregnancy, I believe everyone was shocked! LoL, do we look like parents that would only have one child?!? We did buy a MiniVan for a reason...and that wasn't just to put one child in the back of it! Other reactions that we got were about how long it took us to conceive the second child. LONG?? Really?? We did not start trying for a second child right after Jesse was born. That just would have been crazy! We really wanted to watch and experience our first child growing up! Maybe some people wanted to believe that it took us that long...but it didn't...really it didn't. Not only that but I'm not crazy to be pregnant and carry around a 6 month old! I've actually seen a mother...that was 9 months pregnant...and had a baby girl that was turning 10 months old! That means she didn't wait her 6 weeks after giving birth...cochina! Yeah...that's not me!

The second thing was...since Jesse is a boy...people tend to think we want a girl! "I really want a girl, I hope you have a girl" Really? I didn't know you were pregnant too! So if I don't have a girl are you going to be upset? Are you not going to like the second child if it is not what you want it to be? Really, excuse you for wanting to plan out how my family should be! It seems that people always say what they want yet don't think about what the parents are thinking or feeling. I think that when you have wanted a child for so long and even giving into the fact that maybe it just won't happen, for someone to say they want to have a boy or a're not ready to be a parent! I truly believe that full heartily! When Oscar and I were trying to conceive the first time, we didn't ask for a boy...we didn't ask for a girl...we asked for a BABY. The only reason why we found of out the sex of our first child is that we wanted the room to be complete with a Theme before the baby was born. That is the same way we feel about this second pregnancy! When we talk to Jesse about the second baby, we always say "brother or sister". We will be finding out the sex of the second child only because we don't already have a girl. IF we had a girl, we wouldn't be ready at all! Once we have a girl...maybe this time or the next...if we were to have another child after that...we wouldn't find out the sex...we would want it to be a surprise since we would already have things for a boy or a girl.

Overall, Oscar and I are excited about this baby! We couldn't be anymore happier! The timing is perfect and we can't wait to watch our children grow up together! Just as we were starting to used to being the Three Amigos we will now be the Fantastic Four!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The difference 8 months can make...

So the last time that we went to the park to feed the ducks, Jesse was 6 months old. He wasn't able to walk just yet and he was more interested in eating the old bread.  Well, things are different now.  He is now able to walk and still eat bread.  So this past weekend, we decided to go out to the same park to feed the ducks once again.  Jesse was in love with the picnic and ducks.  Since he's able to walk now...he thought he was going to be able to touch the ducks! If he only knew how much those ducks would have loved to take a bite out of those cheeks! So here are a few pictures...they are from my they don't look that good...but here they are!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

So it happend...

Keeping this one short...but I just have to say it!

I'm currently 28 years old.  Today I went to the market to buy some chips and dip.  Don't judge 5 days I have eaten chips and dip on 4 different days!  Okay, back to my story.  I went to the market to get chips and dip and my husband some 'tall cans' of beer.  Went through the line...wasn't asked for my ID.  The girl at the register looked younger than me at least I think she was.  I paid for everything and was grabbing my bags to leave.  She started the on the next customer.  It was two guys that were buy a pack of beer.  She asked the guy for his ID! Really?!?! Do I look that old that I no loner need to show ID to buy some beer?!?! I mean I'm okay with it cause I don't have to pull my ID out of my wallet but then just means I'm looking OLD!  I mean I look over the Hill and half way there!?!? BLAH!

Monday, January 16, 2012


So this past weekend was fun overall.  We started Saturday morning with breakfast and visiting the in-laws at a yard sale.  They did some cleaning and wanted to get rid of a few things.  They made some good money but I think they would have done better if they would have made a sign.  So as I was there at this yard sale, it was brought to my attention that I have never been to an Ikea.  So after a little chat...I will be visiting an Ikea soon with the in-laws...I hope at least...they were the ones to hype me up! =)

We continued the day by going to see my cousin's daughter play basketball.  It was fun but at times, the baby did cry.  Since it was in a gym, it did get loud and he got scared.  Nothing that some crackers couldn't fix!  We are looking forward to attending some more of her games to show some family support!

Sunday was nothing more than just a lazy day.  The only thing we did do was go to the market to get the baby some juice.  Other than that it was a pajama day all day long which also included a 2 hour nap during the day.  Since Jesse is still young, he needs a nap...and when you take care of him all also need a nap! My husband and I ended the night with a 'Date Night'.  After the baby went to sleep for the night, we watched a movie together...well at least I watched the movie! having Monday and Tuesday off...its turning out to be a very good week!  I only have to work 3 days this week...then work for 2 more weeks after that...then its off to Vegas! I just hope it doesn't rain.

Saturday, January 14, 2012


So I haven't blogged about Christmas and what I got and stuff like that...but I don't have any pictures on this laptop so I can put in my blog so it won't look so boring.  The laptop desktop has nothing on it...Oscar had to wipe the computer clean cause it had a virus...yeah, it got sick! The worst part was that my email got hacked this past week.  Not sure if it had anything to do with the virus but not knowing what kind of email was being sent out was ugly.

This past week really wasn't all that bad...I mean in most ways it could have been worse.  On Monday, Oscar had to go back to work from his super long vacation.  He really didn't want to go back...but then again who would want to go work! So anyways...HA HA HA...feel my pain of having to wake up super early on a very cold morning! Back to work YOU GO!  I also woke up that morning with a tickle in my throat...didn't think much of it.  Later that night I just wanted to take my head off and put it back on later when it was feeling better.  I had the worse headache ever! I went to bed after Oscar got home...he had washed the dishes and changed into his PJ's in the living room so he wouldn't wake me up or bother me with the light....Okay FINE...I take the HA HA HA's back! I guess it was a sign that my allergies were acting up! At least it wasn't a relapse that I thought it was.

My son has also hit another milestone this week.  He now knows how to climb up the sectional.  The funny part is that when he was learning...he would cry and cry...then when he did make it on the sectional...he would laugh at a "Ha Ha I did it' kinda thing! Yes I got it on video and yes its already on Facebook...come on what kind of parent do you think I am!?!?

We have also confirmed that Vegas is in our future next month! I wanted to get the 10th off from work so we could go out there with my BIL and SIL to celebrate his 30th birthday...I'm just super thankful that I won't be celebrating that in 2012! =)  I always thought my BIL and I were the same age...I guess not.  So the hotel was $122ish when we had first viewed it for Friday and Saturday...then I mentioned to Oscar that if I was going to get Friday off....why don't we just leave on Thursday night....yes I know it wasn't my trip to plan...yes I was just invited so no I have no input...but I just thought it would be nice to wake up on Friday already in Vegas...and get some breakfast buffet! I think the others thought the breakfast buffet also sounded good so Thursday the 9th we are OUT! =)

So besides the week ending on a Friday the 13th and my BFF at work wasn't there....over all the week took FOREVER to end...but its done and the weekend is here...

Thursday, January 12, 2012

My New Year's Resolution! New Year's Resolution is to blog more...maybe I should have posted this on 12/31/2011....or the latest by 01/01/2012....anyways...
its not a joke...I'm serious...well kinda

Cheers to a New Year!