So this past Saturday, it was my Birthday....and one of those BIG Birthdays! Yup I turned 30! Wow! I guess it came faster than what I expected! So the big moment that I realized I was 30 years old came when we were all on the Air Bumper cars. Yup we were having fun...while Nsync was blasting in the background...yup, I'm 30! So I'm now 30, married and have 2 kids...and I wouldn't change a thing about it! Sure I'm not a home owner (yet) or the CEO of a company (yet) but I still wouldn't change anything. I don't feel old or anything like that...I guess I have my kids to keep me young. Duh, we never leave a store without going down at least one toy aisle.
So I guess that leads me to the topic of this blog...well the second topic of it I guess. Do I really need to blog? At first I had wanted to start one to keep memories alive....and maybe for our kids to be able to look back and read it. Now, I'm so super focused on our kids, I don't have time. So I've come to realize that the ones that blog are...the ones that don't have kids, have kids that are old enough to take care of themselves at least 60% of the time or the SuperMom that takes care of her kids and a full time worker. I'm not any of those. I work and have 2 kids that need their mommy! Well...I guess I could say that my oldest can take care of himself about 20% on his own. Truth memories are made in other ways. I don't have time to sit an blog about things.
The 15 to 30 minutes it takes me to blog, I could have extra play time with our son. I could baby talk with our daughter a little more. Thing is....its not only the blog that takes up time...just things in general. Sometimes Jesse's toys are left all over the living room floor until the next morning. Yes I should pick them up...but why? He's going to play with them the next day...he knows exactly where he left his toys.
My family spends time going on trips to Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm, Discovery Center, the Park and the Beach. Now some have questioned my parenting skills as a mother. Some would say that our kids are spoiled for what we do for them. I say, our children deserve everything. Our children were not asked to be brought into this world so why should they deserve anything less. My husband and I work very hard for what we have and what we can give our children. People may see it that we have 'the money' to spend or brag about stuff that we do with our children. Truth is...everything is possible if you find ways. We take Jesse and Jalaya to fun FREE activities that we find out about in the local paper or different social networks. If your not looking, then your not trying...and if your not trying then your kids are suffering.
Just realized that this blog is kinda all over the place...but just go with it!
So on Saturday...for my birthday older lady...very older lady decided to inform me that our daughter was crying. Now, she's very lucky that my parents raised me to respect elderly people if not her face would have been messed up really quick! Thing is...I was trying to move our daughter away from under the air vent that had the AC on full blast! I swear Jalaya didn't cry for more than 5 seconds! Aparently that's all it took for the lady to turn around as I was moving Jalaya. She looked up at me and said 'Your baby is crying'. Totally being caught off guard....I smiled and said 'Yes, I know'. Yup that shut up her really quick and she turned back around. First of all...yes, inform me if our child is crying and I'm not paying attention. Second, did you not see her in my arms when she started to cry? Third, have you never heard a child cry before...considering that she's only 3 months old and had a very long day? I wasn't mean to the lady or anything like that...and Jalaya stopped crying before I even stopped moving her. Yup she pissed me off...and I couldn't wait for her to leave....and FYI Jalaya did not make another sound after that! She slept through the whole dinner...which I've very surprised....I guess that was her birthday gift to her Mama!
So will there be anymore blogging after one will ever know....I do plan to keep it...don't have any plans to delete it....but unsure if there will be anymore postings...maybe in about 5 years or so when our two babies are a little bit older....and if there aren't anymore by then! :) If any of you are wondering right now about how I found time to even blog this much....Our daughter is asleep in the swing and my husband has just put our son to bed.
So off-topic with this blog...Let's just change the topic to......
The Rant!
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