Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year...New Goals.

As we start 2010, there are some new goals I have in mind for the year. 

The first one would be is to try and workout at least once a week.  I know what you all must be thinking...but working out is very hard for me. My day starts at 5 in the morning and I don't get home until 4:30. About time I cook and have dinner its well into 6:30 to 7:00 at night. Then I have to get ready for the next day for work again! I would like to get the Wii Fit.  I think that would help me....if only I don't have to 'run' or 'jump' while playing it.  I live on the second floor of the apartment complex....I don't want stuff falling off the walls downstairs! I'm not going to start a diet or anything like that but I do plan on changing my eating habits.

My second goal is to clean my apartment more often.  I have CTS and it does act up! My therapist said for me not to use a broom or vacuum, I swear!! Most of the cleaning is left to the husband.  I do feel bad for not being able to do much around here but then depression hits. I'm unable to care for myself when CTS acts up. I don't like leaving stuff for him to do but I only make myself worse if I do things.  My CTS is also a reason why I don't blogg everyday or as much.

My thrid goal is to keep the inside of my car clean.  Noticed how I said INSIDE! My car is full of make-up and clothes. I have way to much going on in that car...but hey its a girl car so what do you expect!

I'm sure more goals will be made as the week goes on. I'm seting my goals low so I can meet them.  I know that if I meet these goals, I can make more and work up on them!


angel6033 said...

so true when you start whit simple goals and accoplish them you feel good and cofident to tackle bigger goals!! I hope you do great! :) and am sorry to hear about your CTS that must hurt :(. Hope you had a great new year.

Nicole said...

I want the Wii Fit too!!! =D let me know if and where you find a good deal =)

Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

Good luck with the workout goal -- very realistic and attainable. I love when people are like, "I WILL WORKOUT EVERYDAY" ..... from someone who hasn't worked out a day in their life!