Thursday, February 4, 2010

New Pair of Shoes!

So the conversation today at work was about my friend (the one that is having issues with her husband) she was talking about how her family wants to have a girls night out for someone's birthday. She was saying how she didn't want to leave her husband at home and that she wouldn't feel right about leaving him home. I tried to explain that this isn't something that takes place every night or every week or every month. I told her that it would be good for her to get out and have some good fun. She needs to go out and have a good time.

I then started to explain how Oscar was going to a night club with his co-workers. I explained that I was fine with him going considering that almost 90% of his co-workers are female. She questioned why I would let him go especially since most of them are female. The first words that I said was....I trust him! After that I had explained to her that I was planning a girls night out way before I found out Oscar was going to a club.  I had mentioned it to him about 3 months ago or something like that. I told her out Oscar's reaction was 'I'll spend the night with your dad drinking'. She was surprised to hear something like that.

I told her that she had to cut the cord sometimes....then she said...I did remember....and look what happened to me. I stood there and that...dang that's right...he was cheating on her! This is the way I see matter what...if the person (guy or girl) wants to cheat....then they will. You can't stop it! If they do it then let them go...if the other person already found it in their heart to share the same feelings that they had for you with another person then its over. Cheating on someone is not an accident, it is something that someone is full aware of what they are doing. I did feel bad after I told her to cut the cord...not every pair of shoes are the same.

1 comment:

angel6033 said...

aww, this situations are hard, the joys of being married..but I agree with you, if someone is going to cheat they are going to cheat, but I also sorta of belive in "high-risk situations" Like why tempt yourself and go out drinking alone with a bunch of men? or vice vera, I dont hard. as long as everyone is content at the end of the day with their marriage and theuir believes lol...I thought I was actually going to see a picture of new shoes you had bought lol...