So being pregnant...most of the focus is on the mother and the baby. Most of the time, the dad is left out of the focus. I do try to remember that he counts too but I'm just as guilty as everyone else. The sad part is that by me forgetting that his role in this pregnancy is just as big as mine has lead to some yelling matches.
Not too long ago, a co-worker of Oscar's had made him a blanket for the baby. I had made plans to go to dinner at my mom's house. I was running low on gas in my car and my tummy tank was running on empty also. He had wanted to go back to his work to pick up the blanket and stop at his dad's house to drop off some milk. To make an ugly and long story short...I ate dinner in the living room and Oscar ate in the room alone. We didn't go anywhere that night. Oscar was on such a high from receiving the blanket from his co-work that I totally dismissed it! I didn't take into consideration how excited he was to get a gift from his co-worker for his first child.
Oscar has been hard at work working on the second bedroom that we have. He has made it his mission to have it 'Baby' ready before the baby gets here. He wants to paint and design the room. I am so proud of him. He really is here and showing that he wants to be a major part of the baby's life from the very beginning!
I think the reason why most of the time I forget to take into consideration how he feels about the pregnancy and baby is because my father wasn't big on anything like that. My father wasn't in the delivery room when any of his kids were born. The actual care and well being of the baby was done by my mother. I mean my dad did take care of his family financially but not always physically and emotionally. Oscar is nothing like that. He is always by my side asking if there is anything that he can do for me or help me with anything. I guess you could say...I'm not used to seeing a Father act like this....I'm not used to seeing him so involved.
I have made every effort to take into consideration his feelings on everything about this baby. I listen to his concerns about everything now...even if I feel that I'm too tired. I'm ready for a new change...I'm ready for my husband to be involved more than the typical father figure I was used to.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Things I didn't know until I met Oscar!
So next month will make it two years that Oscar and I have been married and living together. I've been thinking...I have learned so much...not only within these last two years...but over the last 7 years that we have been together. So here are some things that I didn't know until I met Oscar:
All Internet, Satellite and Cable are FREE
I have learned that as long as someone else is paying for it...the signal is out there and 'free' to take...considering that the people that it is being taken from have no clue...hey they should know how to protect their signals better!
Not all Pirate Movies are bad quality
Most of the time I have to wait for movies to out on DVD the internet to watch them. Oscar just doesn't get any movie off the internet...he gets 'award' screeners (spell check) that are DVD its like watching a DVD.
The difference between sitting and standing
I know this one might sound funny...but I have explained to him the good reasons for sitting when going to the bathroom. You stand, your further away from the bowl...which means there is SPLASHING! I'm still working on this one...but enough said.
He is better than the Geek Squad
Oscar can fix any computer that is put in front of him! That's why I have no problem breaking them! He might not know enough to fix a car...or build a cabinet from scratch...but he can fix anything computer related...My honey is a Computer Geek...and I love it!
Doesn't mind fighting with kids
My husband can make a kid cry in less than a minute! My husband is a pro at playing Grand Theft Auto! I don't mind him playing at all...Hey he loves it...and when I hear him laugh, it makes me laugh!
More involved than any other Man
Oscar does not like to be left out of anything...and I do mean ANYTHING. He is not one to stay home while I go to the market. He wants to be a part of every decision that is made...and he should be...we are a team.
Knowing and understanding the meaning: "I would die for you"
Oscar would give up everything and do everything possible to make me happy. Over all our relationship has been through so much, there was no doubt in my mind that we were ready to spend our lives together. I would do anything for Oscar...and I know he would do the same for me.
I know I still have more to learn...and well everyday I learn something new. I wouldn't change anything and wouldn't have it any other way. I'm sure there is a lot he has learned from me....but we can wait for him to share it all.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Blah to 3-D movies
I have noticed that so many new movies are coming out in 3-D. Even T.V.'s are now showing 3-D. I did see some movies in 3-D but I really don't see all the hype about it. I feel that most of the movies that are in 3-D are only doing it to keep up with the rest of the industry. There is nothing that is 'eye-popping' or special about them. I don't like them because I tend to get dizzy or get a headache from watching them. The only good thing from the 3-D that the movie theaters will offer the movie in 3-D and normal '2-D'. Since everyone else is on the wagon of watching 3-D movies...the same movie that is showing as normal 2-D is less crowed! You don't have a super crowed movie actually get breathing room! So unless they plan on ONLY making 3-D movies and not the normal ones anymore...count me out....but if they plan to make the same movie in both 3-D and 2-D...I'm all in! :)
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Long and Scary Weekend!
This past week has been so stressful! It all started on Wednesday. Oscar and I went to the Uptown Street Market after dinner. We decided to walk from the burger stand that we were at to the street market. It was only about 2 blocks away. I started to have pain on the right side of my lower tummy. I had 'pulled' a muscle earlier that week on that side and thought it was the same thing. The pain went into the night. Still not worried, I went to bed.
The next day I felt slight pain but still able to go on with my I thought. I got to work and walked from the parking lot of my job to the office. I was in so much pain. I wasn't able to walk. I had to stop mid-way from walking to the office. The pain wouldn't go away. I thought the pain was bad enough and didn't go away fast enough to get seen by a doctor. I had called thinking that I was going to make an appointment to see my 'baby' doctor. Nope...they inform me that since I am having pain...I needed to go into "Labor and Delivery". As soon as I heard that, my heart dropped. My mind was racing with thoughts..."Am I in labor?"..."Would they even consider inducing my labor this early?"..."Did I hurt the baby?". I called Oscar to meet me at the apartment so we can go to the hospital.
I get signed in to the hospital and put in a room fast. The nurse had to put the fetal monitor on my tummy to track the baby's heart beat. They were able to locate the baby's heart beat but when they had to strap down the monitor, the baby would move. Serious, my baby is a trouble maker already. The next nurse was able to locate the heart beat and strap down the monitor in time. She had to strap down the monitor tight to the tummy. The baby didn't like it and put up a fight really quick. He moved so much that you could hear it on the monitor. Even the nurse said, "you have a very active baby". Most of the time I say my baby is way too active and wonder what he's going to be like when he's born....this day, it was really nice to have him move around a lot. I knew everything was going to be okay with him.
After seeing the doctor, I was released. I have to wear this type of support band around my belly to help with the extra weight of the baby. My body is not used to all of these changes that its going through. I have been taking it easy and trying not to walk very much. Over all I've been doing good and trying to manage my pain...when I do get it. I'm just glad that things are over with and everything is fine with the baby. I'm sure that when and if I get pregnant with a second baby...I'll be used to all of these changes. I guess there is a lot of learning to do with your first pregnancy.
The next day I felt slight pain but still able to go on with my I thought. I got to work and walked from the parking lot of my job to the office. I was in so much pain. I wasn't able to walk. I had to stop mid-way from walking to the office. The pain wouldn't go away. I thought the pain was bad enough and didn't go away fast enough to get seen by a doctor. I had called thinking that I was going to make an appointment to see my 'baby' doctor. Nope...they inform me that since I am having pain...I needed to go into "Labor and Delivery". As soon as I heard that, my heart dropped. My mind was racing with thoughts..."Am I in labor?"..."Would they even consider inducing my labor this early?"..."Did I hurt the baby?". I called Oscar to meet me at the apartment so we can go to the hospital.
I get signed in to the hospital and put in a room fast. The nurse had to put the fetal monitor on my tummy to track the baby's heart beat. They were able to locate the baby's heart beat but when they had to strap down the monitor, the baby would move. Serious, my baby is a trouble maker already. The next nurse was able to locate the heart beat and strap down the monitor in time. She had to strap down the monitor tight to the tummy. The baby didn't like it and put up a fight really quick. He moved so much that you could hear it on the monitor. Even the nurse said, "you have a very active baby". Most of the time I say my baby is way too active and wonder what he's going to be like when he's born....this day, it was really nice to have him move around a lot. I knew everything was going to be okay with him.
After seeing the doctor, I was released. I have to wear this type of support band around my belly to help with the extra weight of the baby. My body is not used to all of these changes that its going through. I have been taking it easy and trying not to walk very much. Over all I've been doing good and trying to manage my pain...when I do get it. I'm just glad that things are over with and everything is fine with the baby. I'm sure that when and if I get pregnant with a second baby...I'll be used to all of these changes. I guess there is a lot of learning to do with your first pregnancy.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
What!?! I'm having a Baby?!?!
So I am now 26 weeks pregnant....that's right pregnant....which means in 3 months I will have a baby. The thing is....I don't think my mind is registering all of this. I mean don't get me wrong...I want this baby...I don't think that Oscar and I would have been trying for 13 months if we didn't want one. My mind is just not accepting the fact that I will have a baby, a life long commitment! I think my emotional take on all of this will not set in until the doctor lays that baby on my tummy for the very first time. I think I have always been this way...not only with my pregnancy...but with other things that would be an emotional event.
When my uncle had past away, I was told over the phone. I was fine the rest of the week...not a tear in sight. The day came when we had the viewing...I walked up to the casket...still dry eyes...and as soon as I seen him, I ran out crying! I had known of him being dead for a week...yet no emotional feelings were felt until that very day.
On my wedding mom was about ready to start the waterworks when it was time for me to get dressed. I had turned to her and said "Don't start crying cause we don't have time for that." I had stopped her from crying...and again no emotional feelings were felt as I went through the day. It didn't hit me that I was getting married until it was time for our vows. Oscar had said his...and when it was time for mine...I stood there like OMG! The first line of the vows had to be repeated a couple of times before I actually started to repeat it.
I think I'm the type of person that has to see it to believe it. I see the baby all the time in the ultrasound pictures...but until that baby is in my arms...I won't completely feel like a Mommy during my pregnancy. I do get excited to buy baby clothes and things for the baby...but the responsibilities of motherhood will not emotionally hit me until that day. Well I guess this could all be a good least I'm not an emotional wreck....but it would also be nice to be able to show some emotion from time to time.
When my uncle had past away, I was told over the phone. I was fine the rest of the week...not a tear in sight. The day came when we had the viewing...I walked up to the casket...still dry eyes...and as soon as I seen him, I ran out crying! I had known of him being dead for a week...yet no emotional feelings were felt until that very day.
On my wedding mom was about ready to start the waterworks when it was time for me to get dressed. I had turned to her and said "Don't start crying cause we don't have time for that." I had stopped her from crying...and again no emotional feelings were felt as I went through the day. It didn't hit me that I was getting married until it was time for our vows. Oscar had said his...and when it was time for mine...I stood there like OMG! The first line of the vows had to be repeated a couple of times before I actually started to repeat it.
I think I'm the type of person that has to see it to believe it. I see the baby all the time in the ultrasound pictures...but until that baby is in my arms...I won't completely feel like a Mommy during my pregnancy. I do get excited to buy baby clothes and things for the baby...but the responsibilities of motherhood will not emotionally hit me until that day. Well I guess this could all be a good least I'm not an emotional wreck....but it would also be nice to be able to show some emotion from time to time.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Trying to act Grown-Up!
As I almost finish my 25 week of Pregnancy, I thought we could use a little help. Due to my diabetes I was unsure if I would be able to breastfeed. Not only due to my medical condition...going back to work would be hard. I won't know if I will still be on medication after the pregnancy. Formula is really expensive...about $20.00 a can...and when the baby needs to eat every 2 hours...that's going to be alot of cans!
I been researching the WIC program and what the requirements are. Financially, Oscar and I make too much money to qualify. After talking things over with my friend...the plan was to tell the WIC that Oscar was not working. I know I can get in big trouble for it but hey, my taxes and Oscar's taxes pay for why not!?! Based on my pay alone and they figured that our household is considered to be 3 people now, I was approved! I was able to get the WIC coupons the first day.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
To Register or Not to Register...
So the question has came up...more than once...should I register for my baby shower? I have been asked this question more and more often now that I only have 3 months left of my pregnancy. My Mother-in-law and my co-workers have asked me to register and would like me to register.
I know that times are tough right now with the economy. This is my first baby, so I will need everything there is to offer. I'm not asking everyone to buy me everything. I think that's one of the biggest reasons why I don't want to register. If people decide to buy the baby a gift, I will be so happy. I don't want people to have to choose from a list that I put together. I want people to buy what they can afford and not feel that because something is expensive on my list that they should buy it...for example:
If someone wanted to buy me a stroller...but could only afford $100.00 and the stroller that I picked on my registry is $300.00. I don't want that person to feel that they can't buy the baby a gift because of what is on the registry. I would want the person to buy something that they feel is a comfortable price range for them.
Second reason why I don't want to register...Most people don't know how to use it correctly! When you buy a gift off a print the registry...locate the gift you want to buy...hand the registry to the cashier so they can remove that item from the registry list....sounds simple doesn't it?? So why can't most people do it??
I did register for my wedding...I had registered at 3 different stores...Wal-Mart, Target, and Sears. I had just wanted to register at Wal-Mart and Target...the husband thought that we needed something that was more 'quality' and a little on the 'higher end'. All of our gifts were from Wal-Mart and Target...except for 2 gifts his aunt bought us and a gift card that one of his co-workers gave us.
Okay back to my point...We had to return so many gifts because we got double of almost everything! No one had explained the return policy to me regarding registry items. If you have items from a registry and didn't get a gift receipt, you are able to take them back and get store credit. If you have a registry...but don't tell the cashier lady that you have one...they will require an ID to return the item and only give you store credit. Since I didn't know this at the time...I was using my ID to return things. You can only return things without a receipt 3 times a year....which means until I found out about informing them about my registry I had already used up all of my returns without the receipt policy. I don't want to get double or triple the gifts and have to return them...remember I'm going to be 8 plus months pregnant at the time...I'm sure the first thing on my list after I wake up in the morning will be to eat and then take a nap!
I guess overall I would just want people to buy a gift (if they decide to) from the heart. Something that they can't wait to see the baby use...or see the baby wearing. I want them to walk into the store and have just as much fun as I do looking at all the baby stuff. I don't want them to have to worry about a list and go on a hunt looking for a bib that I picked out. Anyways he's going to be so little...he won't care if its from Sears or the 99 cent store!
My cousin's Daughter who is 9 years old bought the baby a blue CareBear beenie, mittens, and bottle...from the 99 cent store with her OWN I plan on using better believe it!
I know that times are tough right now with the economy. This is my first baby, so I will need everything there is to offer. I'm not asking everyone to buy me everything. I think that's one of the biggest reasons why I don't want to register. If people decide to buy the baby a gift, I will be so happy. I don't want people to have to choose from a list that I put together. I want people to buy what they can afford and not feel that because something is expensive on my list that they should buy it...for example:
If someone wanted to buy me a stroller...but could only afford $100.00 and the stroller that I picked on my registry is $300.00. I don't want that person to feel that they can't buy the baby a gift because of what is on the registry. I would want the person to buy something that they feel is a comfortable price range for them.
Second reason why I don't want to register...Most people don't know how to use it correctly! When you buy a gift off a print the registry...locate the gift you want to buy...hand the registry to the cashier so they can remove that item from the registry list....sounds simple doesn't it?? So why can't most people do it??
I did register for my wedding...I had registered at 3 different stores...Wal-Mart, Target, and Sears. I had just wanted to register at Wal-Mart and Target...the husband thought that we needed something that was more 'quality' and a little on the 'higher end'. All of our gifts were from Wal-Mart and Target...except for 2 gifts his aunt bought us and a gift card that one of his co-workers gave us.
Okay back to my point...We had to return so many gifts because we got double of almost everything! No one had explained the return policy to me regarding registry items. If you have items from a registry and didn't get a gift receipt, you are able to take them back and get store credit. If you have a registry...but don't tell the cashier lady that you have one...they will require an ID to return the item and only give you store credit. Since I didn't know this at the time...I was using my ID to return things. You can only return things without a receipt 3 times a year....which means until I found out about informing them about my registry I had already used up all of my returns without the receipt policy. I don't want to get double or triple the gifts and have to return them...remember I'm going to be 8 plus months pregnant at the time...I'm sure the first thing on my list after I wake up in the morning will be to eat and then take a nap!
I guess overall I would just want people to buy a gift (if they decide to) from the heart. Something that they can't wait to see the baby use...or see the baby wearing. I want them to walk into the store and have just as much fun as I do looking at all the baby stuff. I don't want them to have to worry about a list and go on a hunt looking for a bib that I picked out. Anyways he's going to be so little...he won't care if its from Sears or the 99 cent store!
My cousin's Daughter who is 9 years old bought the baby a blue CareBear beenie, mittens, and bottle...from the 99 cent store with her OWN I plan on using better believe it!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
I don't have the "Look" yet!
So I am about 25 weeks (6 months and 1 week) into my pregnancy. Anyone can look at me and easily say I don't look pregnant at all! I wasn't thin and fit before I got pregnant, so I did have some extra weight and I guess you could say some room for the baby to grow. Due to my medical condition I am on a diet. I eat 3 meals a day and 3 snacks a day...this is way more than I'm used to eating! I even get to the point that I don't want to eat but if I don't eat...then I take the risk of a low blood sugar. In the middle of the night my blood sugar has dropped to levels in the 40 range. I'm lucky that the baby reminds me of a bathroom break at 1 a.m. by kicking my bladder. I really think that if I didn't wake up in the middle of the night for a bathroom break, I might not be waking up at all with blood levels like that.
According to WebMD I should have gained about 10 to 14 pounds by now. I haveGAINED LOST 2 pounds since I have found out that I was pregnant. I have lost up to 4 pounds at one time. My weight is like a yo-yo each time I go to see the doctor. I can loose 2 pounds one month...gain 1 pound the following month. I have asked my doctor so many times about my weight and how I'm not gaining. Overall its a good thing that I'm not gaining weight. I will have less weight to loose after the baby or I may even return to my pre-pregnancy weight, if not less! The baby's growth is on track and yes, he IS gaining weight. I honestly think that if I gain anymore weight from now until the end of the pregnancy, its only going to be the weight of the baby.
At times, I do think that I'm missing out on the whole pregnancy feeling and physical part. I mean I still have a baby inside...kicking around, I just don't have the 'normal' weight of a pregnant woman. I don't have the big round belly or anything like that. I have even been told by others...some days you look pregnant and some days you don't. I guess I'm looking for the "I'm not fat, I'm pregnant" look. Only 3 more months to go...we'll see how big I get!
According to WebMD I should have gained about 10 to 14 pounds by now. I have
At times, I do think that I'm missing out on the whole pregnancy feeling and physical part. I mean I still have a baby inside...kicking around, I just don't have the 'normal' weight of a pregnant woman. I don't have the big round belly or anything like that. I have even been told by others...some days you look pregnant and some days you don't. I guess I'm looking for the "I'm not fat, I'm pregnant" look. Only 3 more months to go...we'll see how big I get!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
So the Depression did set in...
So when I first found out I was pregnant in March, I was in denial. Oscar and I were trying to get pregnant for about 14 months. Every website, including WebMD, said that if I did not get pregnant within the first 12 months to seek medical help.
I did see my doctor before the 12th month for pain on my lower right side. I had an ultrasound done to see what the issue could be. I went back a week later to get the results. She did say that everything was fine but that my uterus was slanted towards my tummy. She said that it wasn't normal but not uncommon. Then the words came out of her mouth that put the depression into place. She said that I would have a less chance to get pregnant. So already being considered a potential high risk pregnancy which gives me less of a chance of getting pregnant...shot my dreams down to an almost little to no chance of getting pregnant now knowing that my uterus wasn't perfect. Oscar had called me after my appointment and as I was telling him everything that she said, I broke down crying. How can you tell your husband that the dream we had of having a family was being shot down and your the only one to blame?
Too many negative pregnancy test after, I just gave up. I didn't go back on birth control...I just figured that a slim chance would still be there. I had learned to accept the fact that either it was going to take me longer to get pregnant or it just wasn't going to happen.
I was expecting AF in the month of February. I was about almost a week late. The boobs were hurting so I figured AF was on her way just running behind schedule. It wouldn't be the first time she was running behind schedule. In the past, I have been up to a week late. I had told my sister (since she is a MA) that my boobs were hurting...thinking she might have some medical advice for me. First thing that came out of her mouth..."Your Pregnant". The thought didn't cross my mind at all. Later on that day my mom and sister convinced me to take a test. As I was watching the test, the two little pink lines appeared way before waiting the required time. I still didn't believe the test. I was so used to only seeing one pink line (negative) that when I seen the two lines....I thought the test must have been wrong. Considering that the pregnancy test was from the Dollar Store, it must have been wrong. Later on that day I did test with two E.P.T. test and still got the same answer...I was FINALLY pregnant.
All the stress of trying to get pregnant...could have actually been stopping me from getting pregnant. Once I was at ease and willing to let the stress of trying to get pregnant go...I was able to do what I made myself believe was impossible. I'm happy to say that I am now 6 months was a long and scary road to get where I'm at today...but all worth it.
The slanting of my uterus had nothing to do with me not getting pregnant right away. I had asked my OB/GYN if that had anything to do with it...he said no! Damn doctor had me all scared for nothing.
I did see my doctor before the 12th month for pain on my lower right side. I had an ultrasound done to see what the issue could be. I went back a week later to get the results. She did say that everything was fine but that my uterus was slanted towards my tummy. She said that it wasn't normal but not uncommon. Then the words came out of her mouth that put the depression into place. She said that I would have a less chance to get pregnant. So already being considered a potential high risk pregnancy which gives me less of a chance of getting pregnant...shot my dreams down to an almost little to no chance of getting pregnant now knowing that my uterus wasn't perfect. Oscar had called me after my appointment and as I was telling him everything that she said, I broke down crying. How can you tell your husband that the dream we had of having a family was being shot down and your the only one to blame?
Too many negative pregnancy test after, I just gave up. I didn't go back on birth control...I just figured that a slim chance would still be there. I had learned to accept the fact that either it was going to take me longer to get pregnant or it just wasn't going to happen.
I was expecting AF in the month of February. I was about almost a week late. The boobs were hurting so I figured AF was on her way just running behind schedule. It wouldn't be the first time she was running behind schedule. In the past, I have been up to a week late. I had told my sister (since she is a MA) that my boobs were hurting...thinking she might have some medical advice for me. First thing that came out of her mouth..."Your Pregnant". The thought didn't cross my mind at all. Later on that day my mom and sister convinced me to take a test. As I was watching the test, the two little pink lines appeared way before waiting the required time. I still didn't believe the test. I was so used to only seeing one pink line (negative) that when I seen the two lines....I thought the test must have been wrong. Considering that the pregnancy test was from the Dollar Store, it must have been wrong. Later on that day I did test with two E.P.T. test and still got the same answer...I was FINALLY pregnant.
All the stress of trying to get pregnant...could have actually been stopping me from getting pregnant. Once I was at ease and willing to let the stress of trying to get pregnant go...I was able to do what I made myself believe was impossible. I'm happy to say that I am now 6 months was a long and scary road to get where I'm at today...but all worth it.
The slanting of my uterus had nothing to do with me not getting pregnant right away. I had asked my OB/GYN if that had anything to do with it...he said no! Damn doctor had me all scared for nothing.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
:Ten top signs your Pregnant:
First of all let me start off saying that I know I've been away....away for a very very very long time! After I found out that I was pregnant, most of my spare time has been taken up by reading the do's and don'ts of pregnancy.
So here are my top ten signs/comments that your pregnant and no...not one of them is a missing AF!
So here are my top ten signs/comments that your pregnant and no...not one of them is a missing AF!
10. Everyone forgets your first name and starts to call you Prego/Preggers
9. The first thing you think of when you wake up is not going to the bathroom...but when are you going to eat.
8. Your skinny jeans don't look so skinny anymore.
7. Wanting to eat Mickey D's five times out of the week sounds normal to you.
6. Your husband has converted to your eating schedule of eating 3 meals and 3 snacks a day.
5. Middle of the night bathroom breaks are normal at 1 a.m.
4. Knowing exactly what 32oz of water feels like in your bladder and knowing how long you have to hold it for your ultrasound appointment.
3. My boss catching me sleeping praying at my desk with my eyes closed more than once during the day.
2. The cashier at the market asking me if I felt okay...'Yes I'm 6 months pregnant and I'm tired.' Dang didn't know I looked so bad!
1. Having to be the referee for my son when he plays kickball with my bladder or with his imaginary friend.
I mean in all I wouldn't change any of it at all! I love being pregnant...although sometimes I might not show it. Its hard work...but I know deep down inside that this is nothing compared to what is in my near future.
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