Thursday, August 26, 2010

BABY SHOWERS....YES...SHOWERS!! that means more than ONE!

The time is right around the corner for me!
On Tuesday (08-31-10) I will be 8 months pregnant.  For those of you that don't know...the due date is actually the 10th month of pregnancy.  I know some of you were thinking...wait 8 months next week...yet she's due in October...that doesn't add up!  You actually have to complete (if the baby lets you) your 9th month of pregnancy and deliver on the day of the 10th month.
The pregnancy is starting to take a toll on my body.  My legs and feet hurt all day long.  My left leg all the way up to my hip goes numb all day long.  Sitting all day at my desk doesn't help either.  Not only that but sitting all day does hurt my I can't exactly get up and start walking.  I walk like an old lady until my legs start to realize that I'm walking.  Not only that but according to EVERYONE my belly grew over night.  I think it has to do with the kind of clothes I wear.  If the top ends at my boobs and flares out over my tummy, I look fat!  If the top is fitted, I don't look that bad.  Either way, I don't think I look 8 months pregnant...I think I look about...6 months pregnant.  So my next doctor appointment is on Wednesday September 1st.  At that appointment they will start to schedule all of the stress tests needed for the baby.  I mean come on...I would be under stress too if my living space was getting small!  I don't know exactly when I will be put out on leave from work but I really do hope its soon.  I'm so tired, I can't even make it through half the day without someone saying..."you look tired" or "are you tired?"

My  baby shower will be September 19th.  This shower is being given by my MIL.  I just found out today that it is official that she will be making one.  She plans on making it co-ed so both men and women can join in on the fun.  I really don't know how big or little this shower might be...I mean the only people I know from Oscar's extended family would be his Aunt, Uncle, and cousins.  So after that I have no clue who else would be invited to the shower.  I'm sure there might be some people there that went to my wedding...not sure that I would remember who they are...but it would be nice to see who is going to be there.

My next baby shower will be on October 3rd.  This shower is being given by my mom and sister.  They had asked me when I wanted to have the shower and I told them that early October would be perfect since I would be off of work by then and wouldn't have all of the baby's stuff sitting around collecting dust.  Not only that but I figured that it would cool down by that time too.  All of the people that are being invited to this shower, I know!  I also know that my mom plans on inviting Oscar's co-workers.  This shower will be for women only but with the exception of Oscar being there.  I told my mom that his co-workers might show up knowing that he would also be there.  I mean I know his co-workers but not as good and he does.

In all the next two months are going to be really exciting for us.  I just can't believe that August is almost done and over it...I feel it was just yesterday that I found out I was pregnant! 

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