Thursday, March 31, 2011

Reality TV

I love to watch TV when I get a chance. Normally its after I put the baby to bed. Sometimes on a good day I can catch some TV during dinner time, if we are home. I love to watch reality shows.  They just catch my attention so much. I love to watch TruTV, MTV, VH1.

I know most of the shows on TruTV are fake...except for Cops! All the others like Operation Repo -FAKE! Do I still watch it...You better believe it! Sometimes its just too funny to pass up on!

I love to watch Teen Mom and Jersey Shore. Trust me you would watch Jersey Shore too if you had two people in the family that can act out the famous fight between Sammi and JWOWW!

VH1 is coming out with this new show called MobWives! I'm so ready for it like you wouldn't believe!  The only thing is that I am able to watch all the shows that I like...I just never get to watch them on time or completely. So it might take me more than on season to get it all in but at least I can watch it over and over again...Thanks MTV, VH1!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Powers you get from being a Mom

So being a mom has changed me...for the best I would say...well at least I hope.  There are some things that you just become a pro at instantly by becoming a mom.  So here's my list

  • Being able to change a diaper under a minute! Even the ugly poopy ones!
  • Being able to make a bottle with a child in one hand and the bottle in the other.
  • Knowing the difference in cries.  Hunger, Sleepy, Scared, Sad/Hurt
  • Being able to complete a day with very little or no sleep.
  • Expert Singer/Hummer
  • Being able to remember every childhood song you ever learned.
  • Being able to pack a diaper bag ready for any weather.
  • Being able to follow the schedule and toss it out the window at any given time.
  • Coupons for Formula, Diapers and anything baby related are top on the list and are now worth saving.
  • Baby's nap time is Momma's Time! =)
That's a short list...and I'm sure as the baby grows will the list!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Meaning of Family

So I have been thinking about things that have taken place within the last year or so.  I started to think about my Aunts Dad's Sisters.  I have not seen them in a very long time.  Honestly, if I were to see them, I'm unsure as to how I will react.  I don't talk to them and they don't talk to me...well so I thought.

As I was set to have my labor induced, they decided to drop in at the hospital.  My brother, unknowingly, told one of my uncle's on my dad's side that I was in the hospital about ready to have the baby.  They were in the hospital and wanted to see me!  They have never been the type to be there for me. 

I decided to let them come into my hospital room only to make my father happy.  I knew that it was a big day for everyone so to please him...I allowed them in.  It was a total of 3 of them.  2 of them had went to my wedding...about 2 years prior to having a kid.  From that day of my wedding, I didn't see them again.  Before the wedding, I have not seen them for over 15 years...Why Now?!?

 The other one did not go to my fact her reason was that my dad and her had an issue.  I thought it was MY wedding not my Dad's that she was invited to.  Anyways, they were there in the room with me.  The first words that come out of her mouth was...I was thinking about you all day.  You mean to tell me after 15 years I came to your mind?!?! So when I had the time off from work to go and personally hand out invites to my wedding and everyone in my dad's family stood me up...You weren't thinking about me then?!?! You didn't want to see me then...WHY NOW?!?!

Trying to keep a smile...I tried my best to make conversation.  At the end they asked me if there was anything that I needed for the baby.  I said no, that I had everything.  Then they said that if I needed anything to let them know.  First of all, I have my husband.  We are just fine taking care of our baby.  If YOU wanted to buy something for the baby, then just do it.  Don't ask if I need anything because I don't want to trouble you for anything.  A gift should come from the heart not because I tell you to get it.

Over all, I am closer with my mom's side of the family.  My dad's family never came around.  It was only during holidays or birthday parties that we would see each other.  You can't build a relationship by only seeing someone a couple of times a year.  Don't get me wrong, I knew who they were and what relation they were to me.  To say that I would spend the night with my cousins or they would come over for dinner would be a lie.  

My son is around the age that he is starting to get 'Stranger Anxiety'.    He will cry with those he does not know.  It doesn't mean that he's only going to cry with 'strangers'.  He will cry with anyone he does not know.  He even cries with my own brother because he doesn't see him often enough to know who he is.  I know that the baby needs to get used to people but when the people are not used to be around makes the anxiety even worse...not just for the baby or for the people but for me...the parent that has to see my child cry because he is unsure who this face is staring back at him.  Building a relationship is building trust in someone's can't build it without seeing them first!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Growing and Growing and Growing...

I guess some could say that my baby is on the Large side...the very large side!  He is only 5 months old and is already wearing a size 12 months.  Yes that's right...12 months!  He is about 29 inches long and about 21 pounds.

I had got tons of clothes for the baby during the babyshowers that I had.  Some were newborn size...that lasted the baby about 2 weeks max.  The next size was 0-3 months...did last about a month I would say...then 3-6 months...about another month.  For some reason he 'skipped' 6/9 months and went to 12 months in no time!  The sad thing is that because I had got so many clothing items...some of the things that no longer fit him still had tags on it!  I have clothes put away that are still brand new.  My baby just kept growing.

I do have some clothes that are 9 months but because they snap at the bottom, they don't always fit.  The clothes say 26 to 28.5 inches...Jesse is 29 inches.  That .5 of an inch does make a BIG difference.  With the buttons that snap right under the diaper....things get a little snugged.

So...big tip for people that are going to big clothes! Trust me the parents will love you for it!  The small clothes are nice but won't last long!  Only very few people gave me clothes past 9 months.  I remember opening a gift with clothes that were 12 months and thought...okay this person is crazy! OMG was I so wrong.  That's all my baby is wearing right now!

So clothes are not a big problem.  My thing is that people, including me, forget how small my baby is.  I mean they forget how young he is!  He is only 5 months....yeah from the outside he might look like he's an 8 month old baby...but he's not!  I always get the surprised look from people when I tell them how old my baby is.  Yeah he's big in size but he's still my baby boy!

Sunday, March 20, 2011


This past weekend was a busy one!  My husband and I decided to have our son baptized in the Catholic Church.  Before our son was born we were already trying to decide on the Godparents for the baby.  Oscar and I only had one requirement...that the Godparents be Catholic as well...I mean it only makes sense.

As we started to look into it more, we realized that our requirements were nothing compared to the Catholic Church.  Not only did the Godparents have to be in 'good' shape but we also had to meet with a Priest.  Now, no matter should not lie to a Priest.  The Godparent had to be at least 16 years of age.  Must be a practicing Catholic.  If it was going to be a couple, they had to had all the sacraments (Baptism, Communion, Confirmation, Matrimony) done up to marriage.  This means that they had to be married by Catholic Church.  If the couple was together, they had to live either alone or with their families.  They were not allowed to live together.  So that did narrow it down for us more than expected.

The thought did come...that we should still pick who we want no matter what.  My husband especially thought of this.  I knew that we would have to meet with the Priest...and again...I thought to myself, I can't lie to a Priest!  So we decided on two Godparents, my sister and his cousin...both females.  So my son wouldn't have a Godfather...doesn't make it any different...he still has uncles on both sides!

So we signed up the baby and we had to meet with the Priest that day.  We were asked if were married in the Catholic church, if we still lived together, and if we both wanted this for our child.  Then it was time to give the Godparents name and answer questions about them.  So the Priest asked for the GodFATHER's name.  Here comes the scolding!  We told the Priest that we were having two GodMothers and no GodFather.  Then he asked THE question...Are they Lesbian?  We had to explain that they were not.  We were asked if they were married and where they lived...i.e. if they lived with a significant other.  We answered the questions and we were free to go...with the date set, we were EXCITED!

So Saturday came...and off we go!  Everything was great! I was so happy that my baby had his special moment in the church!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Almost 5 months ago...

I know its been awhile since I've posted anything on here...but here it goes!

I've been busy these last couple of months...since I have last blogged, my baby has been born!  Actually about 5 months ago he was born! I know, I took some time off!  Although the actual labor was easy...just waiting to get to that point was hard!  I went in on a Thursday...and didn't come home with my baby until Monday!

During these last 5 months I have come to realize what it really takes to be a mother.  I tell everyone around me, WAIT!  Don't have a baby unless you're a 100% ready!  Not only should the 'mother' be 100% ready but so should the 'father'.  Being a mother is the most stressful, demanding, exausting, self rewarding, best job in the world!  I wouldn't give it up for anything in this world! I mean its not that bad...only this first 2 or so months were bad.  The only reason I would say there were bad is because of the lack of sleep.  An infant does sleep most of the day...but they also wake up about every 2 hours for a feeding.  No matter what time of day...every two would hear this tiny little cry.  I mean don't get me was the cutest cry ever but yeah something I don't want to hear at 2 a.m.

Its like you meet this tiny person that depends on you for EVERYTHING!  Everything just comes so natural.  I remember when I had my very first ultrasound...I was about 5 weeks and all I could see is the little blinking light on the screen but I was in LOVE!  I have heard some people say that they can't fall in love with someone until they see them or until they finally meet them.  I love my baby and would give up everything and I mean EVERYTHING just for him.

Over all everything has been AWESOME!  I am now a Mini-Van Mom looking to add some extra carseats if you know what I mean! 

 I mean come on...wouldn't you want one too?

2 months old after peeing on Momma

3 days old

4 1/2 months old