Friday, November 18, 2011

What are you Watching!?

So recently I have taken over the TV 3 days out of the week.  Okay, well most of the time I do rule the TV but especially on Tuesday...Wednesday....and Sunday!  On Tuesday it is Sons of Anarchy.  On Wednesday it is American Horror Story.  Then on Sunday it is The Walking Dead.  Do you see a theme of killing/dead people?? LoL

Sons of Anarchy: this one is about a motorcycle club...not the street bikes...actual motorcycles! Anyways as it starts they mainly con/frame people to get money.  They had to head sheriff on their side until he retired.  Now this season they are dealing with drug cartel and sales of guns. 
picture from FX
American Horror Story: This really have to watch to understand.  There is a family that has typical family issues that moved into a house...a murder house!  Normally in the first 5 minutes or so they show a murder that took place in the house years before the current family moved in.  The weird thing about this have NO CLUE who is dead and who is alive.  From the very start of the think everyone is alive....but as time goes figure out they they are actually dead and haunting the house.  Anyways the the wife sleeps with this guy thinking it was her husband...but yeah...doesn't look like it is...anyways she get prego and now I think its a demon baby.  Only time will tell....
American Horror Story from FX

The last show is The Walking Dead:
Well just from the title you pretty much know what the show is about.  It is the typical zombie movie but made into a TV show.  So the zombies bite die...then you become a zombie...simple! Of course there has to be a group of survivors trying to out run the zombies.  From what I have been told is that this show is based off of a comic book.  I just love it cause its like a scary movie to watch during the week!  FYI...from watching this show...I call my son Zombie Baby cause he is in the biting phase of his life...thing its like a game for him that when I start yelling Zombie Baby...he attacks!

The Walking Dead. AMC

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