Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Yay Me!

Thanks to the Lovely Nicole has given me an award! YaY Me!

So here are the rules:

  1. List 6 things you are a master in.
  2. Pass it on to 6 other bloggers you think are a master in Friendship and at blogging!

So here I go...

  1. Clearance Shopper! Put me in any Clearance section and you will have a new outfit for half the price!
  2. Cooking and Baking!
  3. Strong Speaker/Public Speaker...only when needed.
  4. Parking my car in reverse into my garage...if you have seen my garage you know what I mean!
  5. Downloading music 
  6. Turning a frown upside down!

Now for the 6 Bloggers I would like to give this award to....

Yessika @ In Joy and Sorrow 
Hannah @ The New Black 
Lorraine @ Lowster 

So there it is...the ones I think have mastered Friendship!
Lots of LuV!


Nicole said...

YAY for awards! =D

oh and I dont blog at 6am silly! I blog the night before or a few at a time and then schedule them instead of automatically posting =D

Anonymous said...

I could use a little of your clearance magic to rub off on me...I SUCK at sale shopping!!

Favor: will you shoot me your email (blogsthenewblack {at} gmail {dot} com)? I always want to reply to your comments, but your email isn't attached to your account!

angel6033 said...

thanks for the award love! :) and you are good at public speaking?? I am so jealous lol, I need to work on that I am so shy...