Sunday, September 9, 2012

Second time...the right time!

So when we found out that I was pregnant with my first child...I did write a blog about it. Now after having my first child...I have come to realize that blogging is on the back burner! Then again, since I did write about the first pregnancy...Its only fair to write about the second.

So going back to the first pregnancy, it did take us about 13 to 14 months to conceive. On average...if you're not pregnant by 12 months, its time to see a doctor. We didn't. Honestly, I don't know why we didn't...we just didn't think we had to I guess. I know that I did bring it to Oscar's attention...but we didn't really go into depth about it. We just figured it would happen when we were both ready...when God thought we were ready.

So there was always talk about a second child...just didn't exactly set a 'time' of when it would happen. Jesse was about 18 months when Oscar said it was time for the second. About time I started to take him serious...2 months later I found out I was pregnant. This time, it only took 2 months to conceive! I wasn't expecting it! I thought that since it took us time with our first...that our second would have taken the same amount of time.

The weird thing is...about a couple of nights before we found out, Oscar and I were talking about Jesse. We were talking about how we STILL couldn't believe that we had a child. We talked about how we were able to see him grow and how its been fun being the Three Amigos!

As I was talking to co-workers about showing no signs of an AF...they all said to give it at least give it a week before testing. Thing is...there were no signs of an AF...yet no signs of a pregnancy! I had told Oscar the same thing on the day I was supposed to expect AF. He wanted me to test that same day! So I did...with an expired pregnancy test! Didn't see two lines...only seen one! Well, at least I only wanted to believe that there was just one. After I took a shower that night, I looked at the test again. I swear there was a VERY faint second line! When I showed the test to Oscar for a second time...he said the same thing. Since it was still very early and the line wasn't as dark as it should have been, we didn't think about it anymore. On my way home on Friday, I thought about stopping at Kaiser to take a test. When I had tested for my first pregnancy, I knew it would be positive so it wasn't a surprise. With this one, I didn't know exactly what the out come of the test would be. So I did what any woman would do...I went out and bought a test...two test...from the Dollar Tree store LoL! Seriously, they work! Without telling Oscar I was going to test...I went into the bathroom! Within seconds of taking the test, I started yelling for Oscar...asking him if he thought the second line was dark enough for him! We started running around the apartment trying to get ready to run off to Kaiser to confirm everything. Since it was so late in the day already, we were told that we would get the results the next day. Thanks to email...we found out around 10 p.m. that night!

When we had announced our pregnancy, I believe everyone was shocked! LoL, do we look like parents that would only have one child?!? We did buy a MiniVan for a reason...and that wasn't just to put one child in the back of it! Other reactions that we got were about how long it took us to conceive the second child. LONG?? Really?? We did not start trying for a second child right after Jesse was born. That just would have been crazy! We really wanted to watch and experience our first child growing up! Maybe some people wanted to believe that it took us that long...but it didn't...really it didn't. Not only that but I'm not crazy to be pregnant and carry around a 6 month old! I've actually seen a mother...that was 9 months pregnant...and had a baby girl that was turning 10 months old! That means she didn't wait her 6 weeks after giving birth...cochina! Yeah...that's not me!

The second thing was...since Jesse is a boy...people tend to think we want a girl! "I really want a girl, I hope you have a girl" Really? I didn't know you were pregnant too! So if I don't have a girl are you going to be upset? Are you not going to like the second child if it is not what you want it to be? Really, excuse you for wanting to plan out how my family should be! It seems that people always say what they want yet don't think about what the parents are thinking or feeling. I think that when you have wanted a child for so long and even giving into the fact that maybe it just won't happen, for someone to say they want to have a boy or a're not ready to be a parent! I truly believe that full heartily! When Oscar and I were trying to conceive the first time, we didn't ask for a boy...we didn't ask for a girl...we asked for a BABY. The only reason why we found of out the sex of our first child is that we wanted the room to be complete with a Theme before the baby was born. That is the same way we feel about this second pregnancy! When we talk to Jesse about the second baby, we always say "brother or sister". We will be finding out the sex of the second child only because we don't already have a girl. IF we had a girl, we wouldn't be ready at all! Once we have a girl...maybe this time or the next...if we were to have another child after that...we wouldn't find out the sex...we would want it to be a surprise since we would already have things for a boy or a girl.

Overall, Oscar and I are excited about this baby! We couldn't be anymore happier! The timing is perfect and we can't wait to watch our children grow up together! Just as we were starting to used to being the Three Amigos we will now be the Fantastic Four!

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