Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Thought the bad day was over

So today started out like any other normal day...whoever said Mondays are the bad days, never met Tuesdays!

I was up before the alarm went off...again for the second day in a row! It was freezing cold in the apartment...but about time I turn on the heater I would be going to work...so there was no use in that. I made it on the road and was off to drive my 45 minutes to work! I was almost hit by two cars that were racing to get to Mickey D's. Damn fat cows! I was trying to get to Starbucks...to find out that the one I wanted to go to...they CLOSED! So I had to go to the one inside the Albertsons market...something I didn't want to do! I bought the giftcard for the giveaway and also got me a little something! I made it safely to work and had enough time to do my makeup! Yay Me! 

I was so tired...hungry...and moved like a turtle! I swear I just wanted to come back home and go to bed! The day was done and it was time to run home...well at least I thought I would run home! We have escalators and elevators at work. My friends and I take the elevator because my friend has a scooter backpack...you know one of those backpacks with wheels.  My other friends walk us to the elevators...and we are usually messing around....well we got into the elevator...and started to go down...then the lights went out and we stopped!! I was in PANIC mode! I kept yelling 'press the door open button'. We made it out of the elevator...but when we got out we seen that all the escalators were stopped.  It was some kind of power outage and we were lucky to make it out before they completely shut off. The sad part is that tomorrow is another day...I just hope its not like today!   

Monday, February 22, 2010

And the winner is...

I was so excited about my first giveaway! Thanks to all of  you who participated! So here we go...

Next time I should ask people to put their real names...sorry Friendliest Ghost if I didn't catch it! =D


They are all in the bowl now!


And the winner is...


Again thank you all for participating! I'm already planning my next giveaway! =D Amanda please email me your info at supey72@hotmail.com! Thanks Again!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I have decided to host my very First giveaway ever! I'm super excited and hope everyone will enter...The rules are simple so everyone has a chance to win.  I will be giving away a $10.00 gift card to Starbucks.  I think this first giveaway will be small...and once I get the hang of it then we will bump up the prize value! =D

So here are the Rules:
  1. You have to be a Follower...it just wouldn't be fair if you weren't
  2. Either Twitter or Blog about the giveaway
  3. Leave me a comment saying you have completed the first two rules.
 I will close this giveaway on Monday 02/22/2010 at 6 p.m. I will announce the winner at 7 p.m. here on my blog. The giveaway is open to all followers! Good Luck to All! =D

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Promise!

So many crazy things have been going on. There are so many medical diseases out there that people are suffering from. The sad part is that there is no cure for most of them.  From personal experience, I have diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Those are all part of my family medical history...On both sides of the family! All of my medical issues also make issues for other things I would like in the future. I have already been told that if I were to get pregnant, it would be a very high risk pregnancy. 

My cousin's boyfriend is around 24 years old and has cancer. It started in the lower male parts...and spread up to his back. They told him that it was in remission and left it as that. Just yesterday he was rushed into the emergency with stomach pain. To find out that the cancer has spread to the stomach! Our prayers are with him. My promise is to make a donation when I can to  medical research for cancer or diabetes. He is too young to die and his 3 daughters are too young to loose their father.
We as people need to find a cure so no one has to loose anyone so soon again...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Putting You on Blast!

So today I made spaghetti for dinner! I knew that we would need some more Parmesan Cheese. I thought I had about half way between the clear and green label on the container. Oscar made it clear that we would need some so he went to the store. I finished cooking dinner and started to get everything on the table. I went to take out the container of Parmesan cheese (the old one) and also the new one Oscar bought. 
This was the container of cheese that was in the refrigerator that Oscar had put back last night after he used some for his salad!

I can not believe that he would even CONSIDER putting this contain back in the refrigerator! I mean really...the cheese would get stuck to the sides of the container if you tried to get it out! I couldn't believe this...I told him that was the only cheese that he would have with his dinner....he was lucky that he sat down before me! He opened the new one and threw out the old one! I swear next time he does something like this...I will make sure that is all he gets and nothing more to make it a lesson! 

Yay Me!

Thanks to the Lovely Nicole has given me an award! YaY Me!

So here are the rules:

  1. List 6 things you are a master in.
  2. Pass it on to 6 other bloggers you think are a master in Friendship and at blogging!

So here I go...

  1. Clearance Shopper! Put me in any Clearance section and you will have a new outfit for half the price!
  2. Cooking and Baking!
  3. Strong Speaker/Public Speaker...only when needed.
  4. Parking my car in reverse into my garage...if you have seen my garage you know what I mean!
  5. Downloading music 
  6. Turning a frown upside down!

Now for the 6 Bloggers I would like to give this award to....

Yessika @ In Joy and Sorrow 
Hannah @ The New Black 
Lorraine @ Lowster 

So there it is...the ones I think have mastered Friendship!
Lots of LuV!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Late Valentines Day Update!

After a hot shower and putting my blanket to wash...I'm back!  Valentines was wonderful! Our V-Day started on Friday with a drive out to our second home (Laughlin). On Saturday, I finally got to see a movie that I wanted to see....Wolfman! I loved it! I know it was such a romantic movie...lol but it was everything that I expected it to be.  Well I thought the wolfman should have looked more like a wolf...but then Oscar explained that he was a Wolf MAN not just a wolf.  Honestly I was expecting the wolf in Twilight #2.  So I do think it was like teen wolf on steroids but it was good!  We ended up going to a night club on Saturday into Sunday. We didn't dance cause all of the fat hoes trash were dancing! Three fluffy chicks were dancing on each other...nasty style. Not to mention the fluffy people that were in the room above us! Like the way Oscar said...it sounded like Sherk was upstairs!

About 2 a.m. on Valentines...I got my gifts! I got a heart box of chocolates and a pink stuff dragon! Its really cute...I'm not into teddy bears! I also got a picture frame that says Family with a picture of Oscar, Me and Turtle.  As of right now...that's our family! I was really happy with it! As we were ready to walk out the door for something to eat....the main gift came out....the cellphone I wanted! My cellphone had broke like 2 months ago. I was given a temporary phone which I'm happy that I was given at least something so I wouldn't be without a phone.  The phone did not have a camera and kinda had that old kinda feeling to it! I was going to buy me a new phone when I got my check with my bonus.  The phone that I wanted was on sale...just didn't know how much longer it was going to be on sale.  Oscar had the phone shipped over night so he would have it in time so when we left on Friday! The one thing that I really LOVED about the whole thing...was that Oscar went down to the gift shop to buy $5.00 scissors just so I can open my phone and charge it over night and use it the next day! I also did get a Single Rose that day! Its the little things that say 'I Love You' more than anything!    

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

All you need is someone to talk to.

So today my mom and I went to dinner. I noticed an older man sitting alone. He sat there ordered his food and ate. Every time the waitress came around, he would ask for something and before he could finish what he was saying...she would walk away. It looked like no one was interested in what this man had to say. I sat there thinking to myself...he's alone...all he's looking for is someone to talk to....he's not looking to have a dinner. His dinner came with a dessert.  Another waitress came around to ask him which one would he like....and then it happened...a SMILE! The waitress stood there to talk to him and ask about his dinner and how about a dessert...and that's all it took! 

Sometimes I sit and think how life would be when I get older. My life is great right now and wouldn't change anything. The sad part is that people have to die...its a part of life. Oscar always tells me that he wants me to pass first...his reason is so that I won't be alone. I mean that comment could go either way...I could kill him for saying that he wants me to die first....or I could love him cause he knows it would hurt me to be alone...

Monday, February 8, 2010

Bitchola Monday!

So as you can already tell by the Title, I'm not a happy camper!  I started this morning by not wanting to get out of bed...but that's like every morning. Oscar didn't have to work today so yeah I was pretty pissy having to wake up! I wasn't having a good hair day...it just wasn't working for me.  I didn't like the clothes I was wearing. Since I have lost some weight my jeans don't fit right. They really didn't fit right since I bought them, but I have noticed a lot more that they are loose and just make me look sloppy! I made a hole in the lace cover-up top that i was going to wear on top of my blouse. I didn't have time to change and didn't want to have to iron anything else.  I just decided to leave for work!

Leaving for work was another story. JHO had her man over so his car was up in the driveway. They are working on the apartment downstairs...the workers decided to show up at 5:30 in the morning. The worker asked if I would be able to get out.  I said that I would try...wrong answer. There was no way that I was able to get out until one of the cars was moved. I went back to tell him to move the Van out of the way. He said that he was looking for the Keys cause he LOST them! After waiting another 10 minutes for him to find his keys...I was off to work.  I got a little less than half way when my phone rings...it was Oscar. I had left my purse at HOME! I had to go back and get it because I have a security badge that I need to enter the building where I work. I was going to be late to work.  I started to call in to let them know I was going to be late. Just as the phone rang...my cellphone died! 

Now the last part of my very bad day. Oscar was going to make dinner...and he did...which I love...except its not what we decided on the night before.  He cooked in the crockpot which is fine. It was supposed to be BBQ chicken. Instead it was some kind of chicken with cinnamon.  That's all I could smell on the chicken! I couldn't eat it and ended up eating a frozen pizza...which Oscar also ate.

The only way I know how to fix a bad day...is to go shopping!! My mom came over to make things better...as mommy's always do! We went out to get some clothes to wear for this weekend...Valentines Day!! YaY!! I just hope tomorrow turns out better!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Dang am just Too Old!


So this weekend I went into Target to get a gift for my cousin's 4 year old daughter for her birthday. As I was there I seen a magazine....


Now that one is an old one cause the Jonas Brothers look way older now...but it got me thinking...Where did all of my heart throbs go?? I remember when I was younger...it was all about JTT and Backstreet Boys.  Now its all about the Jonas Brothers and Zac Efron. I know all the times have changed and well I'm not a teen anymore checking out other teen heart throbs. We all grow up....sadly...but its something that has to happen. Ya know Zac Efron is a cutie....but I mean only if i was a Cougar! LoL!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

New Pair of Shoes!

So the conversation today at work was about my friend (the one that is having issues with her husband) she was talking about how her family wants to have a girls night out for someone's birthday. She was saying how she didn't want to leave her husband at home and that she wouldn't feel right about leaving him home. I tried to explain that this isn't something that takes place every night or every week or every month. I told her that it would be good for her to get out and have some good fun. She needs to go out and have a good time.

I then started to explain how Oscar was going to a night club with his co-workers. I explained that I was fine with him going considering that almost 90% of his co-workers are female. She questioned why I would let him go especially since most of them are female. The first words that I said was....I trust him! After that I had explained to her that I was planning a girls night out way before I found out Oscar was going to a club.  I had mentioned it to him about 3 months ago or something like that. I told her out Oscar's reaction was 'I'll spend the night with your dad drinking'. She was surprised to hear something like that.

I told her that she had to cut the cord sometimes....then she said...I did remember....and look what happened to me. I stood there and that...dang that's right...he was cheating on her! This is the way I see it....no matter what...if the person (guy or girl) wants to cheat....then they will. You can't stop it! If they do it then let them go...if the other person already found it in their heart to share the same feelings that they had for you with another person then its over. Cheating on someone is not an accident, it is something that someone is full aware of what they are doing. I did feel bad after I told her to cut the cord...not every pair of shoes are the same.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

WFT Wednesday!

Here we go once again!

  • The street that I take to work was blocked off by police! Who decided to kill someone at 6 a.m., couldn't they wait until I got to work!? WTF?!?
  • Besides everything else that's medically wrong with me...my knee decided to 'pop' on me as I was making dinner. Couldn't pick a better time! WTF?!?
  • I use headphones for the laptop computer. I'm the only one that uses them. They were last seen CONNECTED to the laptop. Now they are missing! WTF?!? Didn't know they learned how to walk!
  • Payday isn't today...its Friday...Enough Said! WTF?!?
  • I miss two days of work and slammed with 3 new projects when I go back! WTF?!? Its like no one else works but me!
  • Oscar gets Monday off from work...The banks are open on Monday! WTF?!?
  • Our bank has workers in India they get their holidays and the US holidays off! US workers only get US holidays off! WTF?!? We are the same company!
Tomorrow is Thursdays...I'm over it!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Learning to Pick and Choose!

So I have already told my husband that I would take him and pick him up from the night club that him and his co-workers are going to. I have even offered to drive some of his co-workers to and from the club so they don't have to worry about having a DD. I made it clear to him what I expected of everyone. However, they would have to go by my rules.  

My rules are simple.
  • I can only take 3 people in my car
  • They must meet here at my apartment
  • Be on time
  • They are responsible for a ride to and from their house to my apartment both before and after the night club.
 I really don't think those are really hard rules to follow. So after talking with Oscar, things started to get heated! I had started to make comments about one co-worker that always takes her husband with her. I really don't think that this co-worker likes to take her husband but I think he is the jealous type and doesn't let her go out on her own. I have no clue why....all of the co-workers are female and maybe 2 or 3 guys! When Oscar goes to co-workers only functions, I always end up hearing that it was co-workers and 'Sam'. The sad part of this is that now the co-workers include Sam as part of the group...and I'm sure when he's not there....they ask....'Where's Sam?' My issue is that I don't like to hear about Oscar going out to a co-worker function and hear that someone else took their spouse. I know almost all of Oscar's co-workers. They were all there at our wedding! I mean don't take it wrong, I don't care of Oscar goes out with his co-workers or friends. I'm fine with it. I just don't like to hear about how other spouses were there when I was sitting at home. So that didn't go over well with Oscar. To find out this girl said that her husband is staying home....yeah that's what she says right now...wait until he finds out that they are going to a night club!

Then there is another co-worker...we will call her Nancy! I do respect this lady because she is older but I really don't like to go out with her. Oscar and I went out with her and her guy friend once...and never again. First of all, we HAD to pick them up at her place. Her car is newer than mine! So fine, we picked them up. We were at this pizza place watching a band that another one of Oscar's co-worker's was in. Oscar went to buy a drink for himself and I. She seen me with my drink and yelled out to Oscar, 'Where is my drink? Aren't you going to buy me one?'. I was like....huh?...Didn't you come with a date? Doesn't he have money to buy you a drink? I was hungry and decided to order a pizza and chicken wings. We got a table and the pizza shows up. Nancy yells out to her guy friend "come and sit down, the pizza is here". I was okay with it....lucky I got a large pizza! The bill came and no money was  being handed over. We did get a 'thank you, that was good' but nothing other than that. I didn't know I was buying pizza for everyone! In that case I would have ate dinner before or told Oscar that we should have ate before without them. After fronting the bill for Nancy and her date, buying her a drink, and driving them all over, they still wanted to go to the 'after party'. We ended up going to the co-worker's house for drinks....the one that was in the band. I did only have one drink that night because I was the one driving. When we get to the house, they did offer me another drink. I didn't want to drink....then Nancy is like 'why don't you want to drink?' before I could have yelled out 'cause I have to drive you and your man's ass home', I just said that I wasn't drinking anymore.

I'm not saying that he shouldn't go or that I'm upset about him going cause really that's not it. It was just that as soon as I started to tell him what I expected from the ones that I was driving it was turning into a mess! Oscar shut me out with the 'forget it'! The thing is that I have a reason to say what I have to say.  I have been through it for already 6 1/2 years! I already know what to expect. The thing is that when I did start to say everything and how it normally goes....Oscar didn't want to hear it. However, Oscar is able to say the same kinds of things to me....and I always get the "I'm just telling you" speech.  Well now I'm just telling him and it doesn't sound to good to him to hear the "I'm just telling you" speech huh...So, instead of staying mad at him for shutting me up with saying that he didn't want to hear it....I decided that it wasn't something to start a fight over. So, I'm learning what is worth fighting for. I'm working on okay with staying at home while another co-worker takes her husband....I'm fine with driving Mrs. Daisy, paying for her dinner and drinks.....I'm fine with it cause there isn't a fight between me and Oscar.......I'm learning.....but DAMN its really hard not to want to kick someone's ass over this!