Monday, August 30, 2010

An Anniversary gift to ourselves!

Baby Jesse Alexander at 31 weeks 6 days

In the beginning of the year...before pregnancy...Oscar and I wanted to go on another cruise for our 2nd wedding anniversary. I had put in the request for time off, since I have to pick all my vacation time in November.  I was going to take the Friday and the Monday of my anniversary.  Since our surprise came around late February early March, plans of a cruise went out the window.

Since I have been pregnant, we have been trying to get everything put together.  Getting a 3D/4D ultrasound done was something we both wanted to do.  Oscar had wanted to do this on a weekend so both families would be able to attend.  Honestly I didn't want to wait around for everyone to give us their schedule of when it was a good time for them...after all this was going to take place no matter what.  Since I said that, Oscar agreed and then we both agreed to just do it alone!  We thought that it would have been a better bonding experience for just me and Oscar! I do have to admit, I did have tears in my eyes.  I didn't think that I would get so emotional...but really thinking about it...its the first time I'm actually seeing my baby!  Its the first time I just don't see a black and gray shadow on a screen.  I actually get to see his face, his chubby cheeks, his hand and fingers, his little mouth moving cause he is being lazy and yawning.  It was the first time to see what I would be holding and caring for night and day in about two months!  

Things could have went better. First of all, the baby is really stubborn.  He is hiding on my lower left side!  Even the ultrasound tech kept trying to hit apply pressure to his head so he would move.  The pictures and DVD that we got are not as clear as some of the pictures that were displayed in the office but its better than nothing.  They even had to stop the session so I could walk around and eat something to try and get him to move out of his little pocket!  I do think the pictures could have been better but I was just happy that it was done.  We might consider going again to another place just to see if the baby will work with us this time.  We only got the standard package...which came out to $100.00!  I know that the cruise would have cost more but there is nothing that can replace the pictures that we got!

Jesse's open mouth, ready to yawn!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

BABY SHOWERS....YES...SHOWERS!! that means more than ONE!

The time is right around the corner for me!
On Tuesday (08-31-10) I will be 8 months pregnant.  For those of you that don't know...the due date is actually the 10th month of pregnancy.  I know some of you were thinking...wait 8 months next week...yet she's due in October...that doesn't add up!  You actually have to complete (if the baby lets you) your 9th month of pregnancy and deliver on the day of the 10th month.
The pregnancy is starting to take a toll on my body.  My legs and feet hurt all day long.  My left leg all the way up to my hip goes numb all day long.  Sitting all day at my desk doesn't help either.  Not only that but sitting all day does hurt my I can't exactly get up and start walking.  I walk like an old lady until my legs start to realize that I'm walking.  Not only that but according to EVERYONE my belly grew over night.  I think it has to do with the kind of clothes I wear.  If the top ends at my boobs and flares out over my tummy, I look fat!  If the top is fitted, I don't look that bad.  Either way, I don't think I look 8 months pregnant...I think I look about...6 months pregnant.  So my next doctor appointment is on Wednesday September 1st.  At that appointment they will start to schedule all of the stress tests needed for the baby.  I mean come on...I would be under stress too if my living space was getting small!  I don't know exactly when I will be put out on leave from work but I really do hope its soon.  I'm so tired, I can't even make it through half the day without someone saying..."you look tired" or "are you tired?"

My  baby shower will be September 19th.  This shower is being given by my MIL.  I just found out today that it is official that she will be making one.  She plans on making it co-ed so both men and women can join in on the fun.  I really don't know how big or little this shower might be...I mean the only people I know from Oscar's extended family would be his Aunt, Uncle, and cousins.  So after that I have no clue who else would be invited to the shower.  I'm sure there might be some people there that went to my wedding...not sure that I would remember who they are...but it would be nice to see who is going to be there.

My next baby shower will be on October 3rd.  This shower is being given by my mom and sister.  They had asked me when I wanted to have the shower and I told them that early October would be perfect since I would be off of work by then and wouldn't have all of the baby's stuff sitting around collecting dust.  Not only that but I figured that it would cool down by that time too.  All of the people that are being invited to this shower, I know!  I also know that my mom plans on inviting Oscar's co-workers.  This shower will be for women only but with the exception of Oscar being there.  I told my mom that his co-workers might show up knowing that he would also be there.  I mean I know his co-workers but not as good and he does.

In all the next two months are going to be really exciting for us.  I just can't believe that August is almost done and over it...I feel it was just yesterday that I found out I was pregnant! 

Monday, August 23, 2010

Weekend Overview!

My weekend was good overall.  I did enjoy my weekend besides little speed bumps along the way!  

On Friday, we went to dinner with my the In-laws (BIL (both), MIL, and future (always knew she would be) SIL).  It was my MIL's birthday so we went to Mimi's Cafe.  I got home at normal time and started to get ready.  I told my husband that we needed to stop and put gas in the that time he decided to inform me that we had to stop and pick up my MIL.  We left and made it to the gas station.  I then realized that I did not have my debit card with me!  I had it in my jeans that I wore to work...I had changed my jeans when I got home.  My husband had cash on him to pay for dinner and wanted to use that to put gas in the car.  I was unsure how much dinner would be so it was just best that we went back home to get the debit card.  Exactly at 5:30 his mom calls him to let him know that she is ready to be picked up at the market.  Her reason for wanting to be picked up was because she said it would be dinner time that we would be going and that there wouldn't be any parking...considering that when we got there about an hour late there was a full row of parking available...We had to call her back and let her know about our gas station and debit card issue.  Oscar told her to either wait for us or go on her own...I'm sure she didn't have a problem finding parking.  Dinner was good although I thought the table we were sitting at was a little too small for the 6 of us. 

On Saturday, I had made plans to go and get a Mani & Pedi done as we normally do every other week.  I had woke up and as soon as I started walking around, I noticed that my legs didn't feel right.  They had a tingle feeling all the way up to the knees.  I really didn't pay attention to it and started to get ready for the day.  Oscar drove me over to my sister's so we can go...she promised me Olive Garden so she would have to come back down to my area and drop me off.  When I got to my mom's house, my feet were so swollen, they looked like a ball with toes!  I still wanted to get a Pedi so I went to get a 'snack' at Mickey D's and went to the nail place inside Wal-Mart.  I told the lady that I wanted the Mani & Pedi special.  She told me to pick a color and wait a few minutes.  Two other girls show up that asked for the same exact thing...she then told them the same thing.  After 2 minutes of them waiting, they were seated to get their Mani started!  I was so pissed off!  The two girls that sat down were of the same race and spoke the same language as the girls in the nail place!  Now, I'm not saying that had anything to do with it...but really it didn't look like I was first in line to get anything done.  Yes I was standing there eating my 'snack' but I still could have been seated!  I got upset and told my sister that I was leaving because "they sat their asses down before me".  The girl doing my sister's Pedi tried to call me back but I ignored her and kept on walking.  My mom and I started to look at the swings for the baby at Wal-Mart.  She told me that she wanted to take me to Babies R US to let me pick out the swing I wanted.  I told her that Oscar and I were going to Bergstroms.  It is a store in Anaheim.  So we went out there and I picked out a swing.  My baby also got some clothes thanks to my mom and sister!  The day ended with a BBQ at my mom's was a good day.

My Sunday also included a BBQ but this time with Oscar's family!  Oscar and I didn't make it to church that morning because we wanted to make sure my feet weren't swollen so we could make it to the BBQ.  I did manage to get a Mani & Pedi done before the BBQ.  I went to a new place and really didn't like it...I mean I love the way my nails came out...but the place didn't look very clean.  They had carpet all in the place and there were nail clippings everywhere.  I still got them done and might consider going back if I get pissed off again at the other place.  We made it to the BBQ and had a good time.  The food was good and so was the strawberry cake!  It was hot and my leg did go numb...but over all it was a good Sunday.  Too bad today had to be Monday!

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Knives Came Out!

Please don't get me wrong when I say husband came closing to dying today.  I love him...but we did marry 'to death do you part' and that was about ready to take place today!

I just haven't been in the best of moods this morning.  Jesse is hyper active more than ever!  It is said that the baby will sleep most of the time the mother is walking around and or doing things.  The rocking motion tends to make them sleep.  So when Mommy wants to sleep...she stops moving...and HE starts!  People say get all the sleep you can now cause when the baby is born your going to miss it...I already miss it! He would not let me sleep last night.  Not to mention his father who slept pretty good even good enough to snore.  Put the two together and you get one sleepless mother!  To his credit, in the morning he did say..."I noticed you didn't sleep much last night" FYI that doesn't make me feel any better!  I still had to get up at 5 this morning to be at work at 7.  Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that my baby is hyper moving...I would be worried if he didn't.
Work was fine! I got all my work done for the day and I was able to get ahead on my work for tomorrow.  My job has been offering overtime.  Due to my insulin, I can't stay very long.  I can only stay one hour past my normal work schedule.  If I stay one hour each day...that does add up to a really nice pay check.  I stood an hour today overtime.  It was nice to come home after a very long night and day to a cooked meal.  

Explaining to my husband that I was tired from everything...I get the "I'm tired too, I think I'm going to take a nap after dinner".  WTF?!? You stood home today...I worked 9 hours today...You slept last night...I had the baby kicking me in the bladder all night.  Don't get me wrong, Oscar does a lot for me and I appreciate everything that he does.  I was just looking for some sympathy...I mean come on go with me on this one.  I'm not having a normal pregnancy.  I don't get the cravings because I know that I can't eat anything I want...I'm on a very special diet.  My husband does all the craving for me...and well all the eating as well.  The only thing I ask LET me feel tired, I'm carrying around a 3 pound baby that is about 17 inches long from head to toe, LET me TELL you how tired I am without any comments.  I don't want to hear you compare yourself to me about how tired you are...ESPECIALLY when you didn't work today.

On a side note...Oscar and I have been looking at bedding for the baby.  Last week we had decided that the border that we would put around the room did NOT have to match the bedding.  It is really hard to find a bedding and border that matches.  I made a big deal out of it at Babies R US but decided to compromise with his.  I said fine...the bedding and border does NOT have to match.

I fell in love with this bedding at Babies R US (he liked it also)  
  This bedding does not have a border but we decided there at the store that it was fine...until THIS weekend...

The next bedding has a border and SINCE it has a border Oscar really wants it! 
I like this one too...but really had my heart set on the first one.  I did tell him that we made a compromise last weekend...but he insisted that if it had a matching border we should pick the second one.  He said that since a bedding and matching border was out there, that we should get it.  I did explain to him that things would get better after the baby is born cause HIS hormones won't be out of wack!  My point is that I did compromise with him last week.  It was HIS idea and HE was the one that convinced me that the bedding and border didn't have to match...and then he went back on his word.  I'm not going to make a big issue out of it because having a baby should be a happy time.  Not only that but today he already purchased some things with the second theme already on it.  I'm happy with it...really I am...all I know is the I worked OT this week for a reason...

BTW the baby's room is already painted light green...I will post pics when its all done.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Weekend Overview

Weekend Overview

I couldn't wait for the weekend to start...but as fast as it started...its now ending.  I had put in 4 hours of Overtime at work this past week and was in need of some rest.

My Saturday started by sleeping in until 8 a.m.  I'm not allowed to sleep in any longer than that.  My day has to start at 8 a.m. on the weekends, no other choice.  I have a schedule of insulin and eating and testing to follow each day...and no I don't get weekends off from that.  If I don't follow my schedule, my caseworker is on me the following week for not doing so.

So back to my Saturday...I got a call from my mom early that morning asking if we wanted to go to a swap meet.  Honestly, we don't buy anything!  We might purchase household cleaners and snacks to eat during the walk...other than that, we really go just to do some walking.  This is also our time to catch up on all the gossip.  Its like therapy for my parents.  Oscar walks off with my dad and I'm walking with my mom.  Its funny really.  At the end of the walking...Oscar and I talk over the gossip to try and get everyone's side of the story. 

Sunday, we started our morning by going to Church.  We have been going and its really good.  I could tell that Oscar doesn't have such a strong background in the Catholic Faith...but with a little help, he's getting there.  I have been going to church since I was little.  I know it really didn't mean all that much to me back then.  Now that I'm about ready to have a child of my own, its time for my faith to be restored.  I know that majority of the reason why I didn't end up in trouble or pregnant when I was younger was because I went to Church.  I want my child to grow up the same way.  I know Oscar is starting to realize how important it is to have faith.  The way I feel about religion is doesn't matter what someone believes in...I mean yes as part of Catholic Faith it is believed that everyone should belong to it.  I believe that as long as you have faith in some kind of faith out should be fine.

The weekend ended with home-made bacon cheeseburgers and fries.  Snack was some fruit cocktail...the sad part...we get to start the week again tomorrow.  Next weekend is full of activities already!  I can't wait. 

Thursday, August 12, 2010

They are starting to come in...

Everyone is super excited about the soon-to-be addition to the Pierce Family.  This is our first child and the first grandchild on both sides.  At our jobs...everyone there is super excited as well.  At my job...they have seen Oscar and I date...marry...and now about ready to have a child.  Its like they have seen me grow up within the last 5 years.  Its the same thing for Oscar.  He started working at his job a little after high school.  They have also seen him grow up.

Gifts have already started to come in from his co-workers.  Some of his co-wokers have retired this year or only worked the summer season.  Since the baby is due in October, gifts have been brought home!  They want to make sure they get their gifts in on time before the baby is here.  We have received home made blankets, home made hat and booties, a baby book (which I love), Dodger clothes (that's almost a for sure thing from everyone), and a gift card. My co-workers have already told me of gifts that they have purchased for the baby too.  They are actually planning a baby shower for me at I know I won't see any gifts from them until that day.  That's the only thing they want to keep a surprise!

I know that our family has already started to purchase things for the baby as well.  I know the baby is going to be loved...I just hope he won't be spoiled...but being the first nephew and grandchild on both sides...its going to happen! 

Oscar and I are so thankful for anything that we receive.  I am just so surprised at how people who know Oscar...on a co-worker level would be so generous with what they are buying.  It shows that they consider Oscar's friendship valuable.    I guess what I'm trying to say is that...I never knew how much people actually cared for us.  I didn't know that we actually came to someone's mind to make them think about getting a gift for the baby.  I makes me feel good inside...and I know when the baby is here...he will make everyone else feel good inside too!   

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Reason Why I Waited...

Today I have learned that a friend had what is called a 'false pregnancy'.  She thought she would have been about 8 weeks or so pregnant but another ultrasound reveled that she was not pregnant.  She had two positive test yet the ultrasound proved that she was not pregnant.  Now for the sad part...she already told everyone at work that she was pregnant.  Now she will have to break the news that she's not.  I really don't understand how a home pregnancy test and a test done at the doctor's office can come back positive, yet not be pregnant.

When I found out I was pregnant, I only told my manager at work.  Since I am considered a high risk pregnancy, I knew I would have more doctor appointments than the average pregnancy.  My job already knew about my pre-existing medical condition, so informing them of the pregnancy and the risk was to my benefit.  I did not tell anyone that I was pregnant until after my 12 week (3 months) visit and ultrasound.  It has been said that the highest risk for a miscarriage is during the first 3 months.  With every medical condition that I had, I decided it was best not to say anything until I knew everything was fine.  I didn't want to tell everyone that I was pregnant and then have to go back and tell everyone that I wasn't due to a miscarriage.

The day I found out I was mother was telling EVERYONE!  I was so upset and even asked for her not to say anything.  She told everyone at the nail place that I have been going to for years.  I know she was excited about everything...and so was I...but for the first 3 months...all I could think about is 'what if I loose the baby?'.  I did have trouble within the first couple of months.  I got really sick during my second month with a cough and really high fever.  I had visited the emergency room twice that month.  I also had signs of what I thought was a miscarriage (don't want to go into too many details), again in the emergency room after that scare.  Yes the thought of loosing a baby made me worry but at the same time....I knew that if it wasn't meant to be...then there was nothing I could do to stop it.  Making it to my fourth month was the happiest day of my pregnancy.

My heart goes out to her and to anyone that has lost a baby during pregnancy...I don't know what I would do if I did.... 

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Wrong Insulin...Deadly Mistake

Since I found out I was pregnant, I have been on insulin to manage my diabetes.  Before I got pregnant, I was on pills to help mange it.  Since the pills can transfer to the baby and there is very little to no research done on how it will effect the baby, the choice was insulin.  I have gotten used to the needles and the pain.  Its not as easy as it sounds and would never wish it on anyone.

Since the baby is growing there is much more demand on my body.  Each week, I am required to call my caseworker.  She specializes in pregnancy and diabetes.  I keep track of my sugar levels and she will either decrease or increase my insulin each week.  It is normal for my insulin to increase since the baby is growing.  I write down my changes and keep it in my little bag that I carry with my insulin.  I even have it posted on my computer at work so there is no question what medication I'm on if anything were to happen to me.

I take two types of insulin.  One is a 'fast acting' insulin, it takes about 1-2 hours to start to bring my sugar levels down.  The other insulin is 'long lasting' insulin, it takes about 5-6 hours to bring my sugar levels down.  In the morning, its a mixture of both insulin.  At dinner, it is the fast acting one.  Then at bedtime, it is the long lasting one.  I am pretty used to what insulin I should be taking and at what time.

On Thursday, I shot the wrong insulin for bedtime.  I took the normal amount of units, just the wrong type of insulin.  I was supposed to take the long lasting one....but I took the fast acting one.  After I had realized this, I told Oscar right away.  We knew that my sugar level would be dropping and we had set the alarm to go off within 3 hours of going to bed.  We knew that checking my sugar at night would be extremely important, at least that night.  

I had woke up feeling sweaty  and being unable to sleep.  I knew there was something wrong because I shouldn't have been sweating in an AC room.  I tested my sugar level and I was at 34.  That is the lowest it has ever been.  I woke up Oscar and he ran to the kitchen to get me something that had sugar in it.  I knew that I had to get up and make it to the kitchen as well.  In the process of getting to the kitchen, the wall ran into me twice!  Having a low blood sugar...especially low like in the 30's, its almost like being drunk.  Your body feels week, you have no control over your body movements, you can't walk, your words are slurred, and you don't make any sense with your words!  Since this time it was an extreme emergency, I struggled to make it to the kitchen.  I stood up took a few steps and hit the wall in my room, hitting my head.  I managed to make it out to the hallway...where I managed to hit my head again on the wall.  I was lucky that I didn't hit my head on the same side.  From that point, Oscar helped me to the kitchen and fed me everything and anything to make my sugar go up. 

I hope that I never experience another night like that ever.  I later read that day that a sugar level in the 20's and below can cause loss of consciousness or have a seizure.  The good thing is that low blood sugars do not affect the baby.  If I were to lose consciousness or have a seizure, then I would be putting my baby's life at risk.  When I get a low blood sugar during the day, I'm able to act quicker to the symptoms.  I have never let my sugar level drop lower than 60 during the day.  At night time, that's a different story.  Since I'm asleep when my sugar starts to drop, I am 'unaware' of the symptoms when they start.  I normally realize what is going on when its too late.

Just one mistake of switching my insulin could end my life...I can't wait until I'm off of it.