Monday, December 28, 2009

My Music Monday!!

I listen to all kinds of you shouldn't  be surprised that the song that I picked today is by a country artist.  This song is a beautiful song in which if I had to pick my wedding song all over again this would be it!

The song is "Making Memories of Us" by Keith Urban.

I’m gonna be here for you baby
I’ll be a man of my word
Speak the language in a voice that you have never heard
I wanna sleep with you forever
And I wanna die in your arms
In a cabin by a meadow where the wild bees swarm

And I’m gonna love you like nobody loves you
And I’ll earn your trust making memories of us

I’m gonna be here for you from now on
This you know somehow
You’ve been stretched to the limits but it’s alright now
And I’m gonna make you a promise
If there’s life after this
I’m gonna be there to meet you with a warm, wet kiss.

When my husband  proposed to me he played a DVD that he made with all the pictures of us over 5 years.  At the end of the DVD he said look at all the memories we made in 5 years...Imagine what memories we can make in a life time! Can you say SOLD!?  The song goes on to say that your problems are over and that no matter what he will be there for you even in the after life.  Trust me my husband reminds me of this almost everyday.  When he does something crazy or makes me stress out, he tells me that he is going to be with me forever!  He said that if he dies first he will be waiting for me in heaven.  Now the sad part is that he said he would like me to go first so I wouldn't be sad the day that he passes and would have to live alone....not sure if that's him being sweet or just a nice way of saying he will be the last one standing.  It doesn't matter if he goes or I go first...all that I know is that he made a promise that he and I will still be together in heaven....because I know even in heaven we will be Making Memories of Us.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas is Over!

I am extremely happy to say that Christmas is officially over! I am so happy that its done and over with.  Don't get me wrong, I love the Holidays! I'm just super excited as to what is coming after them!  This year for Thanksgiving, the BIL Eric and his GF Nicole went to Vegas. Not sure if it was said before or after they came back, but they invited us to Laughlin! They have never been to Laughlin and for me and my husband its like a second home! They want us to show them around the place, which my husband and I won't mind at all! My husband and I have never been to Vegas together....not sure if he has gone on his own or anything like that. Since that day that we were invited, My husband and I can't stop thinking about it. We have already priced hotel rooms and we are getting ready to book one.  We have already started our 'Save the Cash' Mission! Not only are we trying to recover from Christmas but we are also trying to put as much money away for Laughlin.  Can't you tell that we are in need of a vacation?!? Since we have gotten married, we have been trying to adjust.  Its not as easy to just up and leave for a weekend when there are bills to pay.  Its not like we spend that much money anyways playing slots...we spend the money by eating out on food and snacks and drinks!  I love to spend my money at the outlets....I come back with tons of new clothes and shoes!

In all, I just can't wait...I need a vacation now!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Where we live it is a very tight parking spot....the drive-way is so narrow that a 3 or 4 point turn is required!  Our garage is tiny...there is room for all.  So recently there has been people parking up in the drive-way.  If we needed to leave, we have to track down the person and tell them to move the car...and we can't tell them to move the car without getting the additional attitude from that person as well.  So the land-lady came over to post notes on the door to let people know not to park in the drive-way.  Her note was sweet and to the point. Oscar and I have named everyone that lives in this small apartment complex...everyone is given a nick here is a copy of the note that I would have left for everyone...

My note to everyone would have gone something like this:

To the downstairs neighbors’ right below apartment B (Apartment B is Me): It’s not our fault you have all kinds of crap in your garage and that your man has an oversized  truck. Wake up early and find parking on a Saturday.  We all know your chick snaps an attitude when she is asked to come out and move the car.

To Cheeseburger and Fry (the girl is name Wendy....equals Wendy's cheeseburgers...and fry is her husband...cause you can't have a cheeseburger without fries): we can tell by the look of your car Cheeseburger that parking is not easy for you in your garage.  Do us all a favor and use the street parking.  With all those newly scratches you put on your car…it’s not worth much anymore. You wouldn’t have to put crap in your garage if you would have got the 2 bedroom when it was available…I’m sure you guys regret that now huh? Fry, your truck does not fit in the garage with all of that crap in there…We know you want to look manly in front of the downstairs neighbor…but lets face it…his truck is bigger than yours…so you should be embarrassed to park your tiny truck upstairs.

To J-Ho: We know it’s a new flavor this month! Not only did you change the flavor this month but it also looks like you changed the age as well.  As long as he has money right...age is just a number. No matter what flavor it is, they still can’t park up there! I don’t care if your new flavor is too old to walk up the drive-way….Hell I’m young and I still can’t make it up the drive-way.  There is no handicap parking at our apartments.  If that is what your new flavor needs, please call the City of Whittier and explain that to them.

To Hood-Rat and Slave (hood-rat is a girl that had a son at a young age...but still thinks she can be out like a young chick...Slave is her son that does everything around here): Talk about having crap in your garage…you hang pictures in your garage like if it was your living room. Do you really think by bringing the door down half way on your car that no one will take it??  Think about it….it takes the guess work out of the game “what’s behind the door”! Slave is tired of opening the garage door…I’m sure he rather walk up the drive-way! He will be a good boy scout and bring up JHo’s flavor of the month too!

To Alma, Alma’s Man, Casino, and Casino’s Sister: Your parking style is fine…and we love when you park downstairs! However, there is one problem…can you put a damn band aide on that oil leak you have?  It’s like playing connect the dots! I know times are tough this year but that doesn’t mean you have to make your own games for your kids with the oil on the floor.

Just a reminder to all again….there is no parking in drive-way and please park your car completely in the garage….crap or no crap! Merry Christmas!


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Holiday Party Success!

I am happy to say that our holiday party was a success! We did not go to sleep on Friday until 12:30 a.m.....and yes Oscar and I did go to work that Friday morning! We were up on Saturday morning at 7:30 a.m.  Although it took us about 3 days to get ready for it...we took every last minute on that day to get it done.

I keept things simple....the table runner were mini cupcakes with different frosting and different sprinkles! A total of 82 mini cupcakes lined the table.

We have enough seats for everyone!

 We gave away Door prizes and much more.  We played a total of 10 games with a total of 16 prizes.  The prizes were gift cards ranging from $5.00 to $15.00.Everyone left with 2 or more prizes that night...except for my BIL Michael....he was just having bad luck that night or something.  I'm sure he was just happy to eat all the cookies and mini cupcakes!

It really felt like Christmas was already here!  Waking up the next morning feeling like we were done with the holiday....but once we were able to clear the tables....placing all the gifts under the tree reminded me that Christmas was next week!  My tree doesn't look so lonely anymore! By the way using a stapler is much more easy than a needle and thread! Martha has nothing on my Christmas tree bow!

I can't wait to do it all again next year...right now I need some rest to recover! 
Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

GemsTV Update!

So I'm excited to say that I got my heart pendent today by Mr. UPS! Just to refresh everything on Saturday I bought a White and Black Diamond Double heart silver pendent from GemsTV I didn't say how much it here it total it was $27.99 and that included the $2.99 for the shipping.  


Over all its a good size...however the the diamonds are tiny and there are only 5 black and 5 white diamonds. It will be noticeable when it is being worn but to say that it will be noticed cause of the 'Bling' is an understatement! It does shine and the more that I look at it, I'm getting over the tiny blings. The upside of my order...they gave me a "Guide to Gems & Jewelry" book.  There are gems in that book that I had no clue were out there. Will I order again?? You better believe I will!  I have already been looking at the website to see what I can buy next! You do get what you pay for...and considering I paid $25.00 wasn't that bad for what I go! The game is just way to fun to stop playing! I'm still trying to figure out if I should get the tags for my car or buy a 5 Flower shape Black and White Diamond ring!! =)

Monday, December 14, 2009

I'm a New Member!

I'm so excited to say that I'm a new memeber of GemsTV! I have seen this on TV but just looked too good to be true. One day I was talking about it at work...and another co-worker said she buys from it! So of course the questions started up and time was wasted at work.

This is the way it works. You watch GemsTV and they put different kinds of jewelry.  There is a limit to how many they have. So they start out with the price and then they say "lets play the game" now the whole game is that the price starts to drop and its up to you to call in and get one. So you hope that the price keeps on dropping and then you pay the price that it ends at.  They give a time limit or until all of the jewelry is gone....which ever comes first. So I didn't not 'play the game' by watching TV.  I only went on the website...and they play the game there too!! I was excited!! I did buy something...which is why I'm now a memeber!  I bought a heart pendent...a diamond and black diamond heart pendent to be exact! Now, there was no sales tax and the shipping was only $2.99 for a 2 day delivery...but then again I'm not sure if that was due to the holidays. I think I will get it in the mail by Wednesday....I will keep you all informed! FYI be careful this game is addiciting...I was playing the game as I was blogging...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Never Leaving home....

So on Saturday night the husband and I were shopping at Target for some Xmas   gifts.  He was looking for a gift for his Secret Santa.  We just happen to walk by the computer games...and there it was! I seen a computer game for Little Green Men.  For those of you that don't know...its a slot game at the casinos. I wanted the game! So I asked and asked until I was blue in the face.  Oscar said that he would download the game for me so I did settle with that. Yes he did download the game and I was happy that I was able to play that night.

So my thing is...I never get to see anything I want or get anything that is original.  Within the last 6 months or so...I haven't been to the movies to watch something that I wanted to watch.  The last movie that we seen was "This is It" now again this wasn't my movie choice.  I know I'm sounding like a crybaby but really...when you have to wait for it to be downloaded its sad.  So the husband did say lets go to the movies and we can watch something you want to watch....yes it was going to be a pity date! Oh course..."No" was the answer from me! I do give in to my husband only because I know at least I will get popcorn from going to the movie. 

The next movie I really want to see is...."The Blind Side".....of course its already downloaded and ready for me to watch....blah.....

Friday, December 11, 2009

Complain, complain, complain

Today was our ‘Year End Party’ at work.  Now the reason why it is called a ‘Year End’ party and not a ‘Christmas’ part or ‘Holiday’ party is so that we don’t offend anyone.  We would hate to offend anyone that does not celebrate ‘Christmas’ for religious or lack there of religion purposes.  We also do not call it ‘Holiday’ party for the reason is that it is in December and there are religious holidays in the month.

The décor for the party was green, red, and white.  Now some will say that those three colors are ‘Christmas’ colors and can be offended by it….others will say that they are Mexican colors….and would still be offended.   They did serve Mexican food…but I’m sure they were not trying to fit the decorations in with the Mexican theme.  It seems like you can’t say anything or do anything about holidays.  I don’t think ‘Christmas’ still has the same meaning as it would 30 years ago.   My thing is that people can’t just be grateful for what they are getting. There always has to be someone to complain about something. The sad thing is that the same people that were complaining about the color of the decorations or about the food that was being served were also in line waiting for the food.  They still participated in the raffles and games…yet complained when they did not win a prize.  Lesson learned….which is why I am not part of the committee to   do work activities.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Cookie Exchange!!

So yesterday I wasn't able to blog because they disabled my account.  Now all is fixed! YaY Me!  So now...lets move on!

Its official, I will be part of a cookie exchange at work.  It will be a total of 7 of us...2 guys and 5 girls.  The cool part about it is that 2 of the girls that are part of the exchange have entered my work's cookie bake-off and have won first or second place!  So really the only reason why I'm doing this is to get some award winning cookies.  I do like to bake but I don't know how to make anything from scratch.  Everything is pre-package.  So this time, I would like to find a recipe and try it out before I make them for the exchange.  Since we will have two guys as part of the exchange we did bend the rules so they can bring store bought cookies. I did tell the group that I can buy some Toll House Cookie Dough and bake that...maybe throw in some walnuts or something. Although I don't know how to bake anything from scratch I'm SUPER Excited! The only issue that I might have is that my over doesn't cook evenly.  Other than that I don't think I will have an issue. I'm even considering hosting one of my own cookie exchange. So if any of you have any recipe (an easy one) please...pass it along! All are welcomed!

Monday, December 7, 2009

My Music Monday

I love today is Music Monday!  My favorite song right now would have to be "Beautiful" by Eminem.  Now I know what you all might be thinking....WTF Eminem? but really its a good song with a really good meaning behind it.

"But you have to walk a thousand miles in my shoes just to see what it's like to be me I'll be you let's trade shoes just to see what I'd be like to feel your pain you feel mine go inside each other's mind just to see what we find look at sh*t through each other's eyes." by Eminem on Album Relapse (2009)

Life isn't perfect...NO One's life is perfect. It doesn't matter how many flashy things you have or what you had to do to get them. The only thing that matters at the end of the day is if you were true to did everything you wanted to do and not because someone told you to do it....or to believe in it. Stay true to yourself...Don't let them say you ain't beautiful!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

All I want for Christmas...

So Christmas is around the corner! I'm getting excited...but I'm sure I will be overly excited once we get our Christmas tree! I've decided to post my wish list for Christmas. I know that my husband reads my blog, so what better way to drop a hint!

  • Polaroid PoGo-instant mini picture printer. It prints a 2"X3" sticky picture in about one minute. You can get the one that's the camera and printer in one...or just the printer by its self. It is as small as a digital camera. Looks awesome!
  • The new Super Mario Bros. game! I know it's only for the Wii and I only currently own an that leads me into my next thing that I want...
  • I want a Wii! I really don't play much on the XBox and considering that I grew up with Nintendo...It would really be nice.
  • I would like a Nintendo DSI. Oh course I would also need every Super Mario Bros. game ever made for it too!
  • I would like the "Perfect Brownie Pan" and the "Giant Cupcake" baking set! I know having perfectly cut brownies or a jumbo cupcake might seem a little weird...but they look so cute!
  • I would also like the game "Little Big Planet" but then that would also mean I would have to get another game system! I don't have anymore room for another game system...after I get my Wii that is!
I also love the little gift cards. It doesn't matter from where or how much.  The whole point is that I know that little card has potential to buy me something good!

I know that I'm asking for alot of things but wouldn't mind if I didn't get any of them. The only thing I would love on Christmas morning is a plate of tamales and to be around the people I love. I wouldn't ask for anything more.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

When Oscar met Mona...

It was a warm beautiful day in early June 2002.  I turned on the computer not  looking for anything really.  I got an instant message from Oscar, of course not knowing who he was and not thinking anything of it, I answered it. For some time the conversations would carry of course. We exchanged pictures online...the moment of truth! I opened up the file...and "I know that guy" was shouted from behind me. I didn't ask him what he did for a living or anything like that. He was a tutor at my sister's school.  I started to ask him if he knew who my sister was and found that we had that in common. My birthday was right around the corner.  He wanted to take me out!  My first thought was...this guy is crazy! I didn't know much about him...nor did he know much about me either.

He picked me up and off we went...on the freeway!  Trying to keep a conversation and also trying to remember which way to go back home was a big task. We made it to Dodger stadium. I have always been told stories that I did go to Dodger stadium when I was younger...way younger. Now for those of you that are Dodger know that remodeling has been done...this first date was before all of that.  Oscar got seats right behind home base! Although Oscar was trying to keep a conversation with me, I was so busy looking around. Having perfect seats...we left in the second inning! He saw that my focus wasn't on the baseball game. He took me clear across LA to the OC! There, we seen a movie and he bought me a light up rose. Later that night he dropped me off at home and gave me a hug goodbye. It wouldn't be until almost a year later and another Dodger game that we would become an official couple.

Oscar is 5 years older than me...which is why I believe it took so long for us to become a couple.  Oscar didn't fit the type of guy that I would normally date. He was the more mature guy, the settle down type of guy. I was used to the clubbing type guy, the just date when I want to see you type. I wasn't interested in having a boyfriend. I had made that very clear to Oscar and even talked about other guys around him. Yet, he still kept coming around. I on the other hand was focused on not giving him any hope that a relationship would be the outcome. I told him so many things about me...some true...and some not so true.  I made it seem that I had every type of medical condition wrong with me. Yet, again he was still there! He just would not give up. During that year, my uncle had passed away. It was the first a long time that someone close in my family had passed away. Not only was it my uncle that passed away...but two others that were related. The two others were not as close...yet I was getting really tired of wear black. For almost a whole month I was busy going to viewings and funerals. It was then that I realized that I wasn't getting any younger. I was able to open my eyes and to finally give Oscar the chance that he deserved.

On a cool April night...we made it back out to a Dodger game. This time it was the nose bleed seats! I guess he figured he wouldn't spend as much money on seats this time if we weren't going to stay for the whole game. He took me home...and in the drive-way I asked..."why do you put up with me?" After everything I have ever said to this guy to get him away from me...only made him try harder! We ended that night with our first kiss...yes I know almost a year later! From that night on, He has never left my side.

Five years later, he proposed and we were married 8 months later! We have been married for 16 months now and we are still going strong. Although people might think we rushed our engagement, we knew we were ready to spend our lives together. He never gave up on me...and now I'm glad he didn't!

Friday, December 4, 2009

First, My Background...

Officially this will will be my first blog...I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I have smaller blogs on myspace but nothing like this.  So I thought I would start out by giving some of my background.

I am the first born of four children.  I have lived in California my whole life...and I plan on keeping it that way. I now share my life with my husband of one year.  My husband's name is Oscar.  Although there is a five year age difference, we seem to be doing well together.  We made it through one year...I'm sure we can make it through more.

I have a career job in the banking field...what can I say, it pays the bills! I have awesome co-workers that I sit around that make my day go by fast, not to mention the TV! I can't lie and say my job is hard cause its not.  The only thing that makes my job hard is dealing with my family....who banks with a different bank and still expects me to answer all of their banking questions!  Really...I work for one bank...not every bank!

I'm like any normal chick.  I love make-up and clothes.  I have a bright personality and matching clothes to go with it.  Love the mani & pedi! I just love being me!  Over all my life isn't hard.  Most of the time its drama free...will for me at least. It does have its ups and downs but nothing I can't handle...yet!

So for my first blog...I hope I did well.