Thursday, September 22, 2011

Family Vacation

This year we were lucky enough to take our first official vacation.  So about half of it was paid for by other sources...but anyways we went to Northern California and the trip was AWESOME!  Although it took so many tries to get on the right freeway to get to Sonoma, once we got there we were ready to settle in!  Our trip included a stay at the Double Tree Hotel in Sonoma...Wine Country...a visit to Monterey Bay Aquarium...and Oakland Zoo.  For the most part, the trip was awesome.  There were some scary staying in Oakland...but other than that, fun! 

Here are some pictures...ENJOY


Eric said...

Can't wait to babysit next week! We bought extra soft blankets for him to crawl on =)

angel6033 said...

How adorable :)!! What a nice little vacation.