Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I know, I know...its a little late for this...but its hard for me to find the time to blog...not only that but I had to get the pictures from Oscar to make this one a cute one! =)

So here it goes! We went shopping for Jesse's costume early in October.  The costume that we got him had two versions.  One was the deluxe version and the other was...a cheaper version.  The deluxe version had 'horns' on the head and the cheaper version had 'three eyes'.  I didn't like the thought of my baby wearing 'horns' for his first Halloween...so we got the cheaper version cause I just thought it was so cute!  So it was the very last one in stock...and due to a malfunction (a small hole) we got the costume for half price.  We paid $6.50 for his costume.  Gosh...now that I think about it...Jesse is going to think that his parents are cheap!

Last year, we had seen this church that was having 'Trunk or Treat'!  In the parking lot of the church, different cars would decorate their 'trunk' of their car and pass out candy.  Since it was the first Halloween out for the baby, we didn't have plans to cover the whole neighborhood.  We did go to the church and made Jesse walk to each car...hey, he had to work for his candy!

Jesse got a good amount of candy from that church so we decided to leave.  Just as we were about to leave, they announced that they were having a costume contest.  Oscar decided that we should put Jesse in the contest.  So...Guess who WON?!?!? Yup, that's right! Jesse won the costume contest!  I have always told Oscar that Jesse would do really good in Pageants but he just won't let me put him in one!  One day I will do it and prove my baby is a winner! =)

So...here are the pictures you have all been waiting for! ENJOY!

Oscar and Mini Monster during the costume contest
Oscar...'checking' the baby's candy!

By the end of the night...the Mini Monster was OUT!

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