Saturday, March 19, 2011

Almost 5 months ago...

I know its been awhile since I've posted anything on here...but here it goes!

I've been busy these last couple of months...since I have last blogged, my baby has been born!  Actually about 5 months ago he was born! I know, I took some time off!  Although the actual labor was easy...just waiting to get to that point was hard!  I went in on a Thursday...and didn't come home with my baby until Monday!

During these last 5 months I have come to realize what it really takes to be a mother.  I tell everyone around me, WAIT!  Don't have a baby unless you're a 100% ready!  Not only should the 'mother' be 100% ready but so should the 'father'.  Being a mother is the most stressful, demanding, exausting, self rewarding, best job in the world!  I wouldn't give it up for anything in this world! I mean its not that bad...only this first 2 or so months were bad.  The only reason I would say there were bad is because of the lack of sleep.  An infant does sleep most of the day...but they also wake up about every 2 hours for a feeding.  No matter what time of day...every two would hear this tiny little cry.  I mean don't get me was the cutest cry ever but yeah something I don't want to hear at 2 a.m.

Its like you meet this tiny person that depends on you for EVERYTHING!  Everything just comes so natural.  I remember when I had my very first ultrasound...I was about 5 weeks and all I could see is the little blinking light on the screen but I was in LOVE!  I have heard some people say that they can't fall in love with someone until they see them or until they finally meet them.  I love my baby and would give up everything and I mean EVERYTHING just for him.

Over all everything has been AWESOME!  I am now a Mini-Van Mom looking to add some extra carseats if you know what I mean! 

 I mean come on...wouldn't you want one too?

2 months old after peeing on Momma

3 days old

4 1/2 months old

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