Sunday, April 3, 2011

~A Dodger Family~

On Saturday (04/02/11), the Pierce Family attended our first Dodger game as a family.  This was the baby's first time at a Dodger Game well outside of the belly anyways. Jesse is a very good baby...and I'm not just saying this cause he's my son! He will not cry unless he needs something.  He did not cry at all at the game.  The only thing is that he did want to nap but with the cheers of the crowd, he wasn't able to.

Although Daddy did his best to try and explain the game to Jesse...he was just more interested in looking at everyone and everything!  Its sad to say but the Dodgers lost the game and before it was over, we left!  Our goal that day was to buy Jesse a jacket for the next game that we were to attend. They didn't have any and it seemed that they were clueless about when or if they would get any this season. Not to worry Babies R US has them in stock!  Overall, great day to be at a baseball game!

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