Monday, August 30, 2010

An Anniversary gift to ourselves!

Baby Jesse Alexander at 31 weeks 6 days

In the beginning of the year...before pregnancy...Oscar and I wanted to go on another cruise for our 2nd wedding anniversary. I had put in the request for time off, since I have to pick all my vacation time in November.  I was going to take the Friday and the Monday of my anniversary.  Since our surprise came around late February early March, plans of a cruise went out the window.

Since I have been pregnant, we have been trying to get everything put together.  Getting a 3D/4D ultrasound done was something we both wanted to do.  Oscar had wanted to do this on a weekend so both families would be able to attend.  Honestly I didn't want to wait around for everyone to give us their schedule of when it was a good time for them...after all this was going to take place no matter what.  Since I said that, Oscar agreed and then we both agreed to just do it alone!  We thought that it would have been a better bonding experience for just me and Oscar! I do have to admit, I did have tears in my eyes.  I didn't think that I would get so emotional...but really thinking about it...its the first time I'm actually seeing my baby!  Its the first time I just don't see a black and gray shadow on a screen.  I actually get to see his face, his chubby cheeks, his hand and fingers, his little mouth moving cause he is being lazy and yawning.  It was the first time to see what I would be holding and caring for night and day in about two months!  

Things could have went better. First of all, the baby is really stubborn.  He is hiding on my lower left side!  Even the ultrasound tech kept trying to hit apply pressure to his head so he would move.  The pictures and DVD that we got are not as clear as some of the pictures that were displayed in the office but its better than nothing.  They even had to stop the session so I could walk around and eat something to try and get him to move out of his little pocket!  I do think the pictures could have been better but I was just happy that it was done.  We might consider going again to another place just to see if the baby will work with us this time.  We only got the standard package...which came out to $100.00!  I know that the cruise would have cost more but there is nothing that can replace the pictures that we got!

Jesse's open mouth, ready to yawn!

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