Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday =(

My day just isn't turning out good.  I have a cough and was up most of the night trying to remove my lungs by coughing.  I forgot to set my alarm and woke up an hour late! There was no time for anything this morning, Oscar even had to help me.  He had to get all of my required snacks put together. So off i was hulling ass...when...I hit the largest cat (roadkill) in the street at like 40 to 50 mph. Trust me it was the ugliest feeling ever!

I called to get some appointments canceled and made again.  I also had to call to give my sugar levels for my insulin in take.  They increased my insulin levels for the morning! They said that since the hormones are the strongest in the morning that more insulin is needed.  It will increase over time again when the Shrimp starts to grow more. I wasn't too happy about that but its the best thing.

I called my mom to see what she was doing. She told me that my cousin was expecting a surprise birthday party. We made the plans to meet up for dinner. The thing is that since I'm on the insulin, everything is timed with my medication and my eating. Not only that but today is Monday and Oscar works at night. I had explained this to my mom and told her that I needed to eat. She called me after I was already on my be there early to kinda decorate. Well she's talking to me on the phone trying to play a trick on Cynthia. I had just got off of work and wasn't in any moods for playing games. I told her that I didn't care what time she got there but that I was going to eat with or without her there and that her ass (yes, I used the word ass with my mom) better be there.  Well she got upset and hung up on me. I have just been so tired of her trying to make all the plans and rules around me.  Its like she doesn't even take into consideration that I'm married and I do have a life of my own. Even when I invite her over to dinner and say be here by this time...she's always late...she blames it on my dad.  She says he's tired and that he just got home and is resting. Well that's fine and all...just don't expect the food to be here all day waiting for you. My husband and I are just as tired from work and my husband still has to go to work later at night. I think overall I was just upset cause I'm trying to rush around getting everything ready and she's calling up playing games...I don't have time for games and I don't like her calling all the shots when I have things I need to do....I have my own life too.

1 comment:

angel6033 said...

aww, all this happened monday its now wednesday I hope that you are doing much better now! :)