Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Promise!

So many crazy things have been going on. There are so many medical diseases out there that people are suffering from. The sad part is that there is no cure for most of them.  From personal experience, I have diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Those are all part of my family medical history...On both sides of the family! All of my medical issues also make issues for other things I would like in the future. I have already been told that if I were to get pregnant, it would be a very high risk pregnancy. 

My cousin's boyfriend is around 24 years old and has cancer. It started in the lower male parts...and spread up to his back. They told him that it was in remission and left it as that. Just yesterday he was rushed into the emergency with stomach pain. To find out that the cancer has spread to the stomach! Our prayers are with him. My promise is to make a donation when I can to  medical research for cancer or diabetes. He is too young to die and his 3 daughters are too young to loose their father.
We as people need to find a cure so no one has to loose anyone so soon again...

1 comment:

angel6033 said...

I am very saddened to hear about this but the reality of choric illness is sad and you are right more needs to be done to find cures, and prevenative measures as well, he is defenietly to young I will remember to keep him in my prayers as well..