Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Thought the bad day was over

So today started out like any other normal day...whoever said Mondays are the bad days, never met Tuesdays!

I was up before the alarm went off...again for the second day in a row! It was freezing cold in the apartment...but about time I turn on the heater I would be going to work...so there was no use in that. I made it on the road and was off to drive my 45 minutes to work! I was almost hit by two cars that were racing to get to Mickey D's. Damn fat cows! I was trying to get to Starbucks...to find out that the one I wanted to go to...they CLOSED! So I had to go to the one inside the Albertsons market...something I didn't want to do! I bought the giftcard for the giveaway and also got me a little something! I made it safely to work and had enough time to do my makeup! Yay Me! 

I was so tired...hungry...and moved like a turtle! I swear I just wanted to come back home and go to bed! The day was done and it was time to run home...well at least I thought I would run home! We have escalators and elevators at work. My friends and I take the elevator because my friend has a scooter backpack...you know one of those backpacks with wheels.  My other friends walk us to the elevators...and we are usually messing around....well we got into the elevator...and started to go down...then the lights went out and we stopped!! I was in PANIC mode! I kept yelling 'press the door open button'. We made it out of the elevator...but when we got out we seen that all the escalators were stopped.  It was some kind of power outage and we were lucky to make it out before they completely shut off. The sad part is that tomorrow is another day...I just hope its not like today!   

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