Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Putting You on Blast!

So today I made spaghetti for dinner! I knew that we would need some more Parmesan Cheese. I thought I had about half way between the clear and green label on the container. Oscar made it clear that we would need some so he went to the store. I finished cooking dinner and started to get everything on the table. I went to take out the container of Parmesan cheese (the old one) and also the new one Oscar bought. 
This was the container of cheese that was in the refrigerator that Oscar had put back last night after he used some for his salad!

I can not believe that he would even CONSIDER putting this contain back in the refrigerator! I mean really...the cheese would get stuck to the sides of the container if you tried to get it out! I couldn't believe this...I told him that was the only cheese that he would have with his dinner....he was lucky that he sat down before me! He opened the new one and threw out the old one! I swear next time he does something like this...I will make sure that is all he gets and nothing more to make it a lesson! 


Oscar said...

Sorry :(

angel6033 said...

oh men,lol ... awww, look he apologized thats way cute........ahhaha