Sunday, July 25, 2010

Long and Scary Weekend!

This past week has been so stressful!  It all started on Wednesday.  Oscar and I went to the Uptown Street Market after dinner.  We decided to walk from the burger stand that we were at to the street market.  It was only about 2 blocks away.  I started to have pain on the right side of my lower tummy.  I had 'pulled' a muscle earlier that week on that side and thought it was the same thing.  The pain went into the night.  Still not worried, I went to bed.  
The next day I felt slight pain but still able to go on with my I thought.  I got to work and walked from the parking lot of my job to the office.  I was in so much pain.  I wasn't able to walk.  I had to stop mid-way from walking to the office.  The pain wouldn't go away.  I thought the pain was bad enough and didn't go away fast enough to get seen by a doctor.  I had called thinking that I was going to make an appointment to see my 'baby' doctor.  Nope...they inform me that since I am having pain...I needed to go into "Labor and Delivery".  As soon as I heard that, my heart dropped.  My mind was racing with thoughts..."Am I in labor?"..."Would they even consider inducing my labor this early?"..."Did I hurt the baby?".  I called Oscar to meet me at the apartment so we can go to the hospital.

I get signed in to the hospital and put in a room fast.  The nurse had to put the fetal monitor on my tummy to track the baby's heart beat.  They were able to locate the baby's heart beat but when they had to strap down the monitor, the baby would move.  Serious, my baby is a trouble maker already.  The next nurse was able to locate the heart beat and strap down the monitor in time.  She had to strap down the monitor tight to the tummy.  The baby didn't like it and put up a fight really quick.  He moved so much that you could hear it on the monitor.  Even the nurse said, "you have a very active baby".  Most of the time I say my baby is way too active and wonder what he's going to be like when he's born....this day, it was really nice to have him move around a lot.  I knew everything was going to be okay with him.

After seeing the doctor, I was released.  I have to wear this type of support band around my belly to help with the extra weight of the baby.  My body is not used to all of these changes that its going through.  I have been taking it easy and trying not to walk very much.  Over all I've been doing good and trying to manage my pain...when I do get it.  I'm just glad that things are over with and everything is fine with the baby.  I'm sure that when and if I get pregnant with a second baby...I'll be used to all of these changes.  I guess there is a lot of learning to do with your first pregnancy.

1 comment:

angel6033 said...

Am glad you are doing ok girlie, yeah by the time the second one comes around you'll have a batter idea of what to expect. I can't wait for you to have your baby, hopefully you'll share pics!! :) Hope you are having a batter week.