Tuesday, July 6, 2010

:Ten top signs your Pregnant:

First of all let me start off saying that I know I've been away....away for a very very very long time! After I found out that I was pregnant, most of my spare time has been taken up by reading the do's and don'ts of pregnancy.

So here are my top ten signs/comments that your pregnant and no...not one of them is a missing AF!

10. Everyone forgets your first name and starts to call you Prego/Preggers
9. The first thing you think of when you wake up is not going to the bathroom...but when are you going to eat.
8. Your skinny jeans don't look so skinny anymore.
7. Wanting to eat Mickey D's five times out of the week sounds normal to you.
6. Your husband has converted to your eating schedule of eating 3 meals and 3 snacks a day.
5. Middle of the night bathroom breaks are normal at 1 a.m. 
4. Knowing exactly what 32oz of water feels like in your bladder and knowing how long you have to hold it for your ultrasound appointment.
3. My boss catching me sleeping praying at my desk with my eyes closed more than once during the day.
2. The cashier at the market asking me if I felt okay...'Yes I'm 6 months pregnant and I'm tired.' Dang didn't know I looked so bad!
1. Having to be the referee for my son when he plays kickball with my bladder or with his imaginary friend.
I mean in all I wouldn't change any of it at all! I love being pregnant...although sometimes I might not show it.  Its hard work...but I know deep down inside that this is nothing compared to what is in my near future.

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