Saturday, July 17, 2010

Trying to act Grown-Up!

As I almost finish my 25 week of Pregnancy, I thought we could use a little help.  Due to my diabetes I was unsure if I would be able to breastfeed.  Not only due to my medical condition...going back to work would be hard.  I won't know if I will still be on medication after the pregnancy.  Formula is really expensive...about $20.00 a can...and when the baby needs to eat every 2 hours...that's going to be alot of cans!
I been researching the WIC program and what the requirements are.  Financially, Oscar and I make too much money to qualify.  After talking things over with my friend...the plan was to tell the WIC that Oscar was not working.  I know I can get in big trouble for it but hey, my taxes and Oscar's taxes pay for why not!?!  Based on my pay alone and they figured that our household is considered to be 3 people now, I was approved!  I was able to get the WIC coupons the first day.

The WIC office requires that you go back every month for new coupons (cause they do expire) and for monthly meetings.  After looking around in the office, I noticed some very young couples in there!  I was called in for a meeting and so was another girl.  She decided to bring her baby's daddy in the meeting too.  So I called Oscar in as well.  I turned to look at the couple...and they were no older than 15 or 16 years old!  I looked at the BOY and yes I do mean BOY as he was texting away on his phone.  The big shocker was the meeting topic.  WIC encourages breastfeeding.  So the meeting was a video on words...just examples.  I felt so uncomfortable being in a room watching a video on breastfeeding with a 15 year old boy.  The 'teacher' was very "hands-on" with herself, of course with her clothes still on...but it was just so uncomfortable knowing that my husband was twice the age as this boy...both...from what I hope...having their first child.  I do give them credit for going and trying to do the best for their baby...but maybe the best for their baby should have been to wait until later to make one! 

1 comment:

Starla said...

Whoa. NOT cool. Not cool at all.