Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Things I didn't know until I met Oscar!

So next month will make it two years that Oscar and I have been married and living together.  I've been thinking...I have learned so much...not only within these last two years...but over the last 7 years that we have been together.  So here are some things that I didn't know until I met Oscar:

All Internet, Satellite and Cable are FREE
I have learned that as long as someone else is paying for it...the signal is out there and 'free' to take...considering that the people that it is being taken from have no clue...hey they should know how to protect their signals better!

Not all Pirate Movies are bad quality
Most of the time I have to wait for movies to out on DVD the internet to watch them.  Oscar just doesn't get any movie off the internet...he gets 'award' screeners (spell check) that are DVD quality...so its like watching a DVD.

The difference between sitting and standing
I know this one might sound funny...but I have explained to him the good reasons for sitting when going to the bathroom.  You stand, your further away from the bowl...which means there is SPLASHING! I'm still working on this one...but enough said.

He is better than the Geek Squad
Oscar can fix any computer that is put in front of him!  That's why I have no problem breaking them!  He might not know enough to fix a car...or build a cabinet from scratch...but he can fix anything computer related...My honey is a Computer Geek...and I love it!     

Doesn't mind fighting with kids
My husband can make a kid cry in less than a minute!  My husband is a pro at playing Grand Theft Auto!  I don't mind him playing at all...Hey he loves it...and when I hear him laugh, it makes me laugh!

More involved than any other Man
Oscar does not like to be left out of anything...and I do mean ANYTHING.  He is not one to stay home while I go to the market.  He wants to be a part of every decision that is made...and he should be...we are a team.

Knowing and understanding the meaning: "I would die for you"
Oscar would give up everything and do everything possible to make me happy.  Over all our relationship has been through so much, there was no doubt in my mind that we were ready to spend our lives together.  I would do anything for Oscar...and I know he would do the same for me.

I know I still have more to learn...and well everyday I learn something new.  I wouldn't change anything and wouldn't have it any other way.  I'm sure there is a lot he has learned from me....but we can wait for him to share it all.         

1 comment:

angel6033 said...

Awww, this was a very sweet post!! :)