Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas is Over!

I am extremely happy to say that Christmas is officially over! I am so happy that its done and over with.  Don't get me wrong, I love the Holidays! I'm just super excited as to what is coming after them!  This year for Thanksgiving, the BIL Eric and his GF Nicole went to Vegas. Not sure if it was said before or after they came back, but they invited us to Laughlin! They have never been to Laughlin and for me and my husband its like a second home! They want us to show them around the place, which my husband and I won't mind at all! My husband and I have never been to Vegas together....not sure if he has gone on his own or anything like that. Since that day that we were invited, My husband and I can't stop thinking about it. We have already priced hotel rooms and we are getting ready to book one.  We have already started our 'Save the Cash' Mission! Not only are we trying to recover from Christmas but we are also trying to put as much money away for Laughlin.  Can't you tell that we are in need of a vacation?!? Since we have gotten married, we have been trying to adjust.  Its not as easy to just up and leave for a weekend when there are bills to pay.  Its not like we spend that much money anyways playing slots...we spend the money by eating out on food and snacks and drinks!  I love to spend my money at the outlets....I come back with tons of new clothes and shoes!

In all, I just can't wait...I need a vacation now!


Nicole said...

YAY! we need this too! =D tell the hubs to email your BIL to figure out details! CANT WAIT =D

Missed you to pieces last night!! =( Hope you liked your gifts =D

angel6033 said...

aww, well it sounds like it will be lots of fun!! and much deserved!